2014 Proceedings

2014 Photos

Conference Program:

The World's Premier Conference for 3D Innovation
Videos of many of the presentations at the conference are available for free viewing by clicking on the special "Video" icons in the program list below. |
Monday-Thursday 3-6 February 2014
Hilton San Francisco Union Square Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA.
To be published as Proceedings of Electronic Imaging, IS&T/SPIE Vol. 9011
Part of IS&T/SPIE's International Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology
Sunday-Thursday 2-6 February 2014 ¤ Hilton San Francisco Union Square Hotel,
San Francisco, California, USA
[ Advance Program: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Keynote 1, Keynote 2, Demonstration Session, 3D Theatre, Discussion Forum ]
[ Register, Short Course ]
Gold Sponsors: |
Silver Sponsors: |
Projection Sponsors: |
Program Committee: |
Neil A. Dodgson, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom);
Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan);
Takashi Kawai, Waseda University (Japan);
John D. Stern, Intuitive Surgical, Retired (United States);
Vivian K. Walworth, StereoJet Inc. (United States);
Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design (United States);
Michael A. Weissman, Perspective Systems (United States);
Samuel Z. Zhou, IMAX Corp. (China). |
Stereoscopic Applications I
Session Chair: Andrew J. Woods, Curtin Univ. (Australia)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Mon. 8:30 to 9:10 am |
8:30 am: Stereoscopic cell visualization: from mesoscopic to molecular scale, Björn Sommer, Christian Bender, Tobias Hoppe, Chrstian Gamroth, Lukas Jelonek, Univ. Bielefeld (Germany) [9011-1] [JEI]
[Open Access] |
8:50 am: The impact of stereo 3D sports TV broadcasts on user's depth perception and spatial presence experience, Kathrin Weigelt, Josef Wiemeyer, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (Germany) [9011-2]
SD&A Welcome and Opening Remarks |
Mon. 9:10 to 9:20 am |
SD&A Keynote Session 1
Session Chair: Andrew Woods, Curtin University (Australia)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Mon. 9:20 am to 10:20 pm |
Preservation and exhibition of historical 3D movies [9011-83]
Jeff Joseph, Producer, World 3D Film Expo (United States)

Abstract: 3D movies have a long history dating as far back as 1915. Jeff will provide an overview and preservation status of the 1950's "Golden Age" 3D movies plus several "pre Golden Age" 3D content examples. Through Jeff's keen interest in early 3D movies and all forms of early film content, he has been instrumental in locating, restoring, preserving and exhibiting many early 3D film titles. Jeff has many interesting and unusual stories to tell of how he helped locate and recover several early 3D movies. The onward march of time, and the ever faster changes in technology now present many challenges for the preservation of early 3D film content, but also offer new opportunities. The rapid replacement of 35mm film projection with digital projection is a key part of this change. Jeff will reflect on the three 3D Movie Expos that he has run in Hollywood which have allowed the public to experience these historical 3D movies once again.
Author Biography:
Jeff Joseph was founder and owner of SabuCat Productions which maintained a renowned library of nearly 60,000 trailers, in addition to tens of thousands of production shorts, screen tests, commercials, stock footage and newsreels, as well as the world's largest private archive of vintage 3D features and shorts. In 2009 the SabuCat collection was purchased by the Packard Foundation and is on deposit at the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences' Film Archive and the UCLA Film & Television Archive. In 2003 Jeff presented the first World 3D Film Expo at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, followed by sequels in 2006 and 2013. He is currently working with the UCLA Film and Television Archive on the restoration of the Hal Roach/Laurel and Hardy library.
Parallel Sessions |
Autostereoscopic Displays I
Session Chair: Nicolas S. Holliman, York Univ. (United Kingdom)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Mon. 10:50 am to 12:30 pm |
Sessions 2 and 3 run concurrently.
10:50 am: A novel stereoscopic display technique with improved spatial and temporal properties, Paul V. Johnson, Joohwan Kim, Martin S. Banks, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States) [9011-3]
11:10 am: Frameless multiview display modules employing flat-panel displays for a large-screen autostereoscopic display, Kenji Hirabayashi, Masayuki Tokoro, Yasuhiro Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) [9011-4]
11:30 am: Interpolating vertical parallax for an autostereoscopic 3D projector array, Andrew V. Jones, Koki Nagano, USC Institute for Creative Technologies (United States); Jing Liu, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz (United States); Jay Busch, Xueming Yu, Mark T. Bolas, Paul Debevec, USC Institute for Creative Technologies (United States) [9011-5] [JEI]
[Open Access] |
11:50 am: Vertical parallax added tabletop-type 360-degee three-dimensional display, Yasuhiro Takaki, Junya Nakamura, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) [9011-6]
12:10 pm: A variable-collimation display system, Robert Batchko, Sam Robinson, Holochip Corp. (United States) [9011-80]
Subjective Quality of 3D Systems
Session Chair: Michael A. Weissman, Perspective Systems (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 7 |
Mon. 10:50 am to 12:30 pm |
Sessions 2 and 3 run concurrently.
10:50 am: Subjective evaluation of a 3D video conferencing system, Hadi Rizek, Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden); Kjell E. Brunnström, Kun Wang, Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden), Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden); Börje Andrén, Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden); Mathias Johanson, Alkit Communications AB (Sweden) [9011-7]
11:10 am: Subjective quality assessment for stereoscopic video: a case study on robust watermarking, Rania ben Said, Mihai P. Mitrea, Afef Chammem, Télécom SudParis (France); Touradj Ebrahimi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) [9011-8]
11:30 am: Measuring perceived depth in natural images and study of its relation with monocular and binocular depth cues, Pierre Lebreton, Alexander Raake, Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany); Marcus Barkowsky, Patrick Le Callet, L'Univ. Nantes Angers le Mans (France), Univ. de Nantes (France), Institut de Recherche en Communications et en Cybernétique de Nantes (France) [9011-9]
11:50 am: Subjective evaluation of two stereoscopic imaging systems exploiting visual attention to improve 3D quality of experience, Philippe Hanhart, Martin Rerábek, Touradj Ebrahimi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) [9011-10]
12:10 pm: Subjective quality and depth assessment in stereoscopic viewing of volume-rendered medical images, Johanna Rousson, Barco N.V. (Belgium); Jeanne Couturou, Télécom Saint-Etienne (France); Arnout Vetsuypens, Barco N.V. (Belgium); Ljiljana Platisa, Asli E. Kumcu, Univ. Gent (Belgium); Tom R. Kimpe, Barco N.V. (Belgium); Wilfried Philips, Univ. Gent (Belgium) [9011-11]
Lunch Break
1:00-1:50pm |
Lunch Time Discussion Round Table
An informal discussion of various stereoscopic topics over lunch.
The topic for each day will be announced at the conference.
Grab some lunch and meet at the reserved table - limited numbers. |
Mon. 12:30 to 2:00 pm |
Parallel Sessions |
Stereoscopic Applications II
Session Chair: John Stern, Intuitive Surgical (retired) (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Mon. 2:00 to 3:20 pm |
Sessions 4 and 5 run concurrently.
2:00 pm: Interlopers 3D: experiences designing a stereoscopic game, James Weaver, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom); Nicolas S. Holliman, The Univ. of York (United Kingdom) [9011-12]
2:20 pm: Architecture for high performance stereoscopic game rendering on Android, Julien C. Flack, Hugh Sanderson, Dynamic Digital Depth Australia Pty. (Australia) [9011-13]
2:40 pm: Comprehensive evaluation of latest 2D/3D monitors and comparison to a custom built 3D mirror based display in laparoscopic surgery, Ulrich Leiner, Lothar Mühlbach, Detlef Ruschin, Wolfgang Reiner, Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (Germany); Hubertus Feussner, Dirk Wilhelm, Silvano Reiser, Technische Univ. München (Germany) [9011-14]
3:00 pm: A stereoscopic system for viewing the temporal evolution of brain activity clusters in response to linguistic stimuli, Angus Forbes, Javier Villegas, The Univ. of Arizona (United States) [9011-15]
Depth Map Capture and Processing
Session Chair: Neil Dodgson, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Room: Continental Ballroom 7 |
Mon. 2:00 to 3:20 pm |
Sessions 4 and 5 run concurrently.
2:00 pm: Fusion of Kinect depth data with trifocal disparity estimation for near real-time high quality depth maps generation, Guillaume Boisson, Paul Kerbiriou, Valter Drazic, Olivier Bureller, Neus Sabater, Arno Schubert, Technicolor (France) [9011-16]
2:20 pm: Depth map post-processing for depth-image-based rendering: a user study, Matej Nezveda, Nicole Brosch, Technische Univ. Wien (Austria); Florian H. Seitner, emotion3D (Austria); Margrit Gelautz, Technische Univ. Wien (Austria) [9011-17]
2:40 pm: Enhancing depth quality of stereoscopic 3D image using disparity map decomposition, Hosik Sohn, Yong Ju Jung, Seong-Il Lee, Yong Man Ro, KAIST (Korea, Republic of) [9011-18]
3:00 pm: Efficient quality enhancement of disparity maps based on alpha matting, Nicole Brosch, Matej Nezveda, Margrit Gelautz, Technische Univ. Wien (Austria); Florian H. Seitner, emotion3D (Austria) [9011-19]
Coffee Break |
Mon. 3:20 to 3:50 pm |
Parallel Sessions |
3D Display Systems
Session Chair: Gregg Favalora, VisionScope Technologies LLC (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Mon. 3:50 to 5:10 pm |
Sessions 6 and 7 run concurrently.
3:50 pm: Description of a 3D display with motion parallax and direct interaction, Mark Flynn, Jerry Tu, zSpace (United States) [9011-20]
4:10 pm: LCD masks for spatial augmented reality, Quinn Y. J. Smithwick, Daniel Reetz, Lanny S. Smoot, Walt Disney Imagineering (United States) [9011-21]
4:30 pm: Transparent stereoscopic display and application, Nicola Ranieri, Hagen Seifert, ETH Zurich (Switzerland); Markus Gross, ETH Zürich (Switzerland) [9011-22]
4:50 pm: A hand-held immaterial volumetric display, Antti Sand, Ismo K. Rakkolainen, Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland) [9011-28]
Human Factors I
Session Chair: John Merritt, The Merritt Group (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 7 |
Mon. 3:50 to 5:10 pm |
Sessions 6 and 7 run concurrently.
3:50 pm: Perceived crosstalk assessment on patterned retarder 3D display, Bochao Zou, Yue Liu, Yongtian Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology (China); Yi Huang, Beijing Institute of Technology (China), Beijing Engineering Research Ctr. for Mixed Reality and Novel Display Technology (China) [9011-24]
4:10 pm: Subjective evaluation of an active crosstalk reduction system for mobile autostereoscopic displays, Philippe Hanhart, Alexandre Chappuis, Martin Rerábek, Touradj Ebrahimi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) [9011-25]
4:30 pm: Study of blur discrimination for 3D stereo viewing, Mahesh M. Subedar, Arizona State Univ. (United States), Intel Corp. (United States); Lina J. Karam, Arizona State Univ. (United States) [9011-26]
4:50 pm: The effect of stereoscopic acquisition parameters on both distortion and comfort, Robert H. Black, Georg F. Meyer, Sophie M. Wuerger, Univ. of Liverpool (United Kingdom) [9011-27]
Short Break |
Mon. 5:10 to 5:30 pm |
SD&A 3D Theatre
Session Chairs: Andrew J. Woods, Curtin Univ. of Technology (Australia); Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design, Inc.; John D. Stern, retired.
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Mon. 5:30 to 7:30 pm |
This ever-popular event allows attendees to see large-screen examples of 3D content from around the world.
Program announced at the conference. 3D glasses provided.
SD&A Conference Annual Dinner |
Mon. 7:50 pm to 10:00 pm |
The annual informal dinner for SD&A attendees. An opportunity to meet with colleagues and discuss the latest advances. There is no host for the dinner. Information on venue and cost will be provided on the day at the conference. |
EI Plenary Session and Society Award Presentations
Tues. 8:30 to 9:50 am |
"Using fMRI To Reverse Engineer the Human Visual System" [9011-301]
Jack L. Gallant, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States)
Abstract: The human brain is the most sophisticated image processing system known, capable of impressive feats of recognition and discrimination under challenging natural conditions. Reverse-engineering the brain might enable us to design artificial systems with the same capabilities. My laboratory uses a data-driven system identification approach to tackle this reverse-engineering problem. Our approach consists of four broad stages. First, we use functional MRI to measure brain activity while people watch movies. We divide these data into two parts, one use to fit models and one for testing model predictions. Second, we use a system identification framework based on multiple linearizing feature spaces to model activity measured at each point in the brain. Third, we inspect the most accurate models to understand how the brain represents structural and semantic information in the movies. Finally, we use the estimated models to decode brain activity, reconstructing the structural and semantic content in the movies. This framework could form the basis of practical new brain reading technologies, and can inform development of biologically-inspired computer vision systems. more...
3D Developments
Session Chair: Takashi Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Tue. 10:10 am - 11:30 pm |
10:10 am: Fully automatic 2D to 3D conversion with aid of high-level image features, Vikram V. Appia, Umit Batur, Texas Instruments Inc. (United States) [9011-29]
10:30 am: Stereoscopy for visual simulation of materials of complex appearance, Fernando E. da Graça, Alexis Paljic, Dominique Lafon-Pham, Mines ParisTech (France) [9011-30]
10:50 am: Stereoscopic depth perception in video see-through augmented reality within action space, Mikko Kytö, Aleksi Mäkinen, Timo Tossavainen, Pirkko T. Oittinen, Aalto Univ. School of Science and Technology (Finland) [9011-31] [JEI]
[Open Access] |
11:10 pm: A multilayer display augmented by alternating layers of lenticular sheets, Hironobu Gotoda, National Institute of Informatics (Japan) [9011-32]
SD&A Keynote Presentation II
Session Chair: Gregg Favalora, VisionScope Technologies (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6
Tues. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm |
Compressive displays: combining optical fabrication, computational processing, and perceptual tricks to build the displays of the future
Gordon Wetzstein, MIT Media Lab. (United States) [9011-81]

In this talk, we explore modern approaches to glasses-free 3D display using compressive light field displays. In contrast to conventional technology, compressive displays aim for a joint-design of optics, electronics, and computational processing that together exploit compressibility of the presented data. For instance, multiview images or light fields show the same 3D scene from different perspectives - all these images are very similar and therefore compressible. By combining displays that use multilayer architectures or directional backlighting combined with optimal light field factorizations, limitations of existing devices, for instance resolution, depth of field, and field of view, can be overcome. In addition to light field display, we will discuss approaches to compressive super-resolution image display and compressive high dynamic range display. As with compressive light field displays, these technologies rely on multiplexing image content in time such that the visual system of a human observer combines presented patterns into a consistent 3D, high-resolution, or high-contrast image. With the invention of integral imaging and parallax barriers in the beginning of the 20th century, glasses-free 3D displays have become feasible. With rapid advances in optical fabrication, digital processing power, and computational perception, a new generation of display technology is emerging: compressive displays exploring the co-design of optical elements and computational processing while taking particular characteristics of the human visual system into account. We will review these techniques and also give an outlook on next-generation compressive light field camera technology.
Gordon Wetzstein is a Research Scientist in the Camera Culture Group at the MIT Media Lab. His research interests are at the intersection of computer graphics, machine vision, optics, scientific computing, and perception. In 2006, Gordon graduated with Honors from the Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany, and received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia in 2011. His doctoral dissertation focuses on computational light modulation for image acquisition and display and won the Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation Annual Award. He organized the IEEE 2012 and 2013 International Workshops on Computational Cameras and Displays, founded displayblocks.org as a forum for sharing computational display design instructions with the DIY community, and presented a number of courses on Computational Displays and Computational Photography at ACM SIGGRAPH. Gordon won the best paper award for "Hand-Held Schlieren Photography with Light Field Probes" at ICCP 2011 and a Laval Virtual Award in 2005.
Lunch Break
1:00-1:50pm |
Lunch Time Discussion Round Table
An informal discussion of various stereoscopic topics over lunch.
The topic for each day will be announced at the conference.
Grab some lunch and meet at the reserved table - limited numbers. |
Tue. 12:30 - 2:00 pm |
Stereoscopic Panoramas and 3D Imaging
Session Chair: Andrew J. Woods, Curtin Univ. (Australia)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Tue. 2:00 - 3:30 pm |
2:00 pm: (JEI invited) Acquisition of omnidirectional stereoscopic images and videos of dynamic scenes: a review (Invited Paper), Luis E. Gurrieri, Eric Dubois, Univ. of Ottawa (Canada) [9011-33] [JEI] [Open Access] |
2:20 pm: Automatic detection of artifacts in converted S3D video, Dmitriy Vatolin, Mikhail Erofeev, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation) [9011-82]
2:40 pm: Depth consistency and vertical disparities in stereoscopic panoramas, Luis E. Gurrieri, Eric Dubois, Univ. of Ottawa (Canada) [9011-35] [JEI]
[Open Access] |
3:00 pm: Integration of multiple view plus depth data for free viewpoint 3D display, Kazuyoshi Suzuki, Nagoya Univ. (Japan); Yuko Yoshida, Tetsuya Kawamoto, Chukyo TV Broadcasting Corp. (Japan); Toshiaki Fujii, Kenji Mase, Nagoya Univ. (Japan) [9011-36]
Coffee Break |
Tues. 3:20 to 3:50 pm |
Human Factors II
Session Chair: Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design, Inc. (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Tue. 4:00 - 5:20 pm |
4:00 pm: Disparity modifications and the emotional effects of stereoscopic images, Takashi Kawai, Daiki Atsuta, Yuya Tomiyama, Sanghyun Kim, Waseda Univ. (Japan); Hiroyuki Morikawa, Aoyama Gakuin Univ. (Japan), Waseda Univ. (Japan); Reiko Mitsuya, Waseda Univ. (Japan); Jukka P. Häkkinen, Univ. of Helsinki (Finland) [9011-37]
4:20 pm: Estimating impact of stereo 3D display technology on depth perception, Petr Kellnhofer, Tobias Ritschel, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter Seidel, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik (Germany) [9011-38]
4:40 pm: Measurement of perceived stereoscopic sensation through disparity based features and disparity distribution, Satoshi Toyosawa, Tokuyama Univ. (Japan); Takashi Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan) [9011-39]
5:00 pm: Stereo and motion cues effect on depth judgment of volumetric data, Isaac Cho, Wenwen Dou, Xiaoyu Wang, Zachary J. Wartell, William Ribarsky, The Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte (United States) [9011-40]
Interactive Paper (Poster) Session
Interactive papers will be placed on display after 3:30 pm on Tuesday. An interactive paper session, with authors present at their papers, will be held Tuesday evening, 5:30 to 6:45 pm. Refreshments will be served. The Interactive Paper (Poster) Session runs in parallel with the SD&A / Symposium Demonstration Session. |
Tue. 5:30 - 6:45 pm |
3D Display Engineering
- Practical resolution requirements of measurement instruments for precise characterization of auto-stereoscopic 3D displays, Pierre M. Boher, Thierry Leroux, Véronique Collomb-Patton, Thibault Bignon, ELDIM (France) [9011-51]
- Stereoscopic model for depth-fused 3D (DFD) display, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sonobe, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Junnosuke Kawakami, Shiro Suyama, Univ. of Tokushima (Japan) [9011-52]
- Parallax multi-viewer auto-stereoscopic three-dimensional display, Lingdao Sha, Dan Schonfeld, Qun Li, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (United States) [9011-53]
- Floating volumetric display using an imaging element that consists of a 90%deg; prism sheet and a linear Fresnel lens, Yuki Maeda, Daisuke Miyazaki, Osaka City Univ. (Japan); Satoshi Maekawa, Univ. of Hyogo (Japan); Takaaki Mukai, Osaka City Univ. (Japan) [9011-54]
Stereoscopic Rendering and Standards
An interactive platform for the expression of stereoscopic 3D panoramic and multi-viewpoint spaces of representation, Volker Kuchelmeister, The Univ. of New South Wales (Australia) [9011-55]
- Rendering for stereoscopic web pages, Jianlong Zhang, Wenmin Wang, Qinshui Chen, Ronggang Wang, Peking Univ. Shenzhen Graduate School (China) [9011-56]
- An approach to support stereoscopic 3D web, Qinshui Chen, Wenmin Wang, Ronggang Wang, Peking Univ. Shenzhen Graduate School (China) [9011-57]
- The development and future of 3D render technology for digital cinema, Darren Ma, Leonis Cinema (Beijing) Tech. Co., Ltd. (China) [9011-58] [manuscript not submitted]
- The design and implementation of stereoscopic 3D scalable vector graphics based on WebKit, Zhongxin Liu, Wenmin Wang, Ronggang Wang, Peking Univ. Shenzhen Graduate School (China) [9011-59]
Depth Maps and View Synthesis
- [9011-60] moved to Session 11
- Discontinuity preserving depth estimation using distance transform, Woo-Seok Jang, Yo-Sung Ho, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of) [9011-61]
- Integrating multiview camera arrays into adaptive multiview laser scan displays, Leif Arne Rønningen, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway) [9011-62] [manuscript not submitted]
- View synthesis from wide-baseline views using Gabor filters and occlusion handling, Ahmed S. Elliethy, Hussein A. Aly, Military Technical College (Egypt); Gaurav Sharma, Univ. of Rochester (United States) [9011-63]
- Superpixel-based 3D warping using view plus depth data from multiple viewpoints, Tomoyuki Tezuka, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii, Nagoya Univ. (Japan) [9011-64]
- Stereoscopic augmented reality with credible global illumination effects, Francois de Sorbier, Hideo Saito, Keio Univ. (Japan) [9011-65]
- Development of free-viewpoint image synthesis system using time varying projection and spacetime stereo, Tatsuro Mori, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii, Nagoya Univ. (Japan) [9011-66]
- General stereoscopic distortion rectification due to arbitrary viewer motion in binocular stereoscopic display, Qun Li, Dan Schonfeld, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (United States) [9011-67]
- Wide-field-of-view image pickup system for multiview volumetric 3D displays using multiple RGB-D cameras, Yuan Luo, Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) [9011-68]
- Joint upsampling and noise reduction for real-time depth map enhancement, Kazuki Matsumoto, Chiyoung Song, Francois de Sorbier, Hideo Saito, Keio Univ. (Japan) [9011-69]
Stereoscopic Human Factors
- Experimental investigation of discomfort combination: towards visual discomfort prediction for stereoscopic videos, Seong-Il Lee, Yong Ju Jung, Hosik Sohn, Yong Man Ro, KAIST (Korea, Republic of) [9011-70] [JEI]
[Open Access] |
- Stereoscopic visual fatigue assessment and modeling, Danli Wang, Tingting Wang, Yue Gong, Institute of Software (China) [9011-71]
- Visual discomfort under various illumination conditions using eye movement in watching stereoscopic 3D video, Sang-Hyun Cho, Jangwoo Nam, Hang-Bong Kang, The Catholic Univ. of Korea (Korea, Republic of) [9011-72]
- On the comparison of visual discomfort generated by 3D and 2D content based on eye-tracking features, Iana Iatsun, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi, XLIM-SIC (France) [9011-73]
- Perception and annoyance of crosstalk in stereoscopic 3D projector systems, Kun Wang, Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden), Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden); Börje Andrén, Mahir Hussain, Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden); Kjell E. Brunnström, Acreo Swedish ICT AB (Sweden), Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden); Jesper Osterman, LC-Tec Displays AB (Sweden) [9011-74]
Stereoscopic Perception
- Eliciting steady state visual evoked potentials by means of stereoscopic displays, Enrico Calore, Davide Gadia, Daniele L. Marini, Univ. degli Studi di Milano (Italy) [9011-75]
- A new multimodal, interactive way of subjective scoring of 3D video quality of experience, Taewan Kim, Kwang-Hyun Lee, Sanghoon Lee, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Alan C. Bovik, The Univ. of Texas at Austin (United States) [9011-76]
- Effect of local crosstalk on depth perception, Hiroshi Watanabe, Hiroyasu Ujike, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan); John Penczek, Paul A. Boynton, National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States) [9011-77]
- Investigation of retinal images and accommodation responses for super multi-view display, Junya Nakamura, Yasuhiro Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) [9011-78] [manuscript not submitted]
- A high-resolution immersive display for the rest of us, Ari J. Hollander, Howard Rose, Firsthand Technology Inc. (United States); Joel S. Kollin, Microsoft Corp. (United States) [9011-79] [manuscript not submitted]
Symposium Demonstration Session
Tues. 5:30 - 7:30 pm |
A symposium-wide demonstration session will be open to attendees 5:30 to 7:30 pm Tuesday evening. Demonstrators will provide interactive, hands-on demonstrations of a wide-range of products related to Electronic Imaging.
The session will have a focused "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications" area. The demonstration session hosts a vast collection of stereoscopic products providing a perfect opportunity to witness a wide array of stereoscopic displays with your own two eyes.
EI Plenary Session and EI Conference Award Presentations
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Wed. 8:30 to 9:50 am |
"Integrated Imaging: Creating Images from the Tight Integration of Algorithms, Computation, and Sensors"
by Charles A. Bouman, Purdue Univ. (United States) [9011-300]
Abstract: Some people suggest that imaging is a mature field, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, we are entering into the next phase of innovation in which a convergence of technologies is enabling the creation of an endless variety of imaging systems based on the tight integration of algorithms, computation, and sensor design. This new field, which we call integrated imaging, is evolving out of classical imaging modalities into a wide array of new applications. Integrated imaging systems will drive both scientific exploration and consumer products by blending novel and often counter-intuitive sensor design with algorithms that exploit the availability of enormous quantities of data and computation. This talk presents some examples of state-of-the-art integrated imaging systems based on computed tomography (CT), transmission electron microscopy (STEM), synchrotron beam imaging, optical sensing, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For each of these examples, we also explore their use and potential impact in applications ranging from healthcare to jet engine design. We conclude with some speculation on where integrated imaging might be going; where it might have greatest impact; and what will be the greatest challenges ahead.
|  |
Digital Imaging for Autostereoscopy
Session Chair: Gregg Favalora, VisionScope Technologies (United States)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Wed. 10:30 - 11:30 am |
10:30 am: Compression for full-parallax light field displays, Danillo B. Graziosi, Zahir Y. Alpaslan, Ostendo Technologies, Inc. (United States) [9011-41]
10:50 am: Non-linear rendering for autostereoscopic displays, Christian Riechert, Marcus Müller, Peter P. Kauff, Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (Germany) [9011-42]
Joint estimation of high resolution images and depth maps from light field cameras, Kazuki Ohashi, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii, Nagoya Univ. (Japan) [9011-60]
11:10 am: Enhancing multi-view autostereoscopic displays by viewing distance control (VDC), Thomas Ebner, Silvio Jurk, Sylvain Renault, René de la Barré, Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (Germany) [9011-43]
SD&A Discussion Forum
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Wed. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm |
3D in Entertainment: A Time of Transition
Moderator: Lenny Lipton, Leonardo IP
David S. Cohen, Variety;
Barry Sandrew, Legend3D Inc;
Jim Chabin, International 3D and Advanced Imaging Society;
Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design Group;
Lunch Break |
Tues. 12:30 to 2:00 pm |
Autostereoscopic Displays II
Session Chair: Hideki Kakeya, University of Tsukuba (Japan)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6 |
Wed. 2:00 - 3:20 pm |
2:00 pm: Vision-based calibration of parallax barrier displays, Nicola Ranieri, Markus Gross, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) [9011-44]
2:20 pm: Viewing zone of autostereoscopic display with directional backlight using convex lens array, Shuta Ishizuka, Takuya Mukai, Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) [9011-45] [JEI]
[Open Access] |
2:40 pm: Time-division multiplexing parallax barrier based on primary colors, Qu Zhang, Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) [9011-46]
3:00 pm: Multi-user autostereoscopic display based on direction-controlled illumination using a slanted cylindrical lens array, Daisuke Miyazaki, Yui Hashimoto, Takahiro Toyota, Kenta Okoda, Osaka City Univ. (Japan); Tetsuro Okuyama, Toshikazu Ohtsuki, Akio Nishimura, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Panasonic Corp. (Japan) [9011-47]
Optical Elements in 3D Systems
Session Chair: Nick Holliman, York University (United Kingdom)
Room: Continental Ballroom 5,6
Wed. 4:00 - 5:00 pm |
4:00 pm: Accommodation measurements of integral photography, Hitoshi Hiura, Tomoyuki Mishina, Jun Arai, Yuichi Iwadate, NHK Science & Technical Research Labs. (Japan) [9011-48]
4:20 pm: Optimized design of directional backlight system for time-multiplexed auto-stereoscopic display based on VHOE, Yong Seok Hwang, Byeong Mok Kim, Eun-Soo Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of) [9011-49]
4:40 pm: Analysis of multiple recording methods for full resolution multi-view auto-stereoscopic 3D display system incorporating VHOE, Yong Seok Hwang, Kyu Ha Cho, Eun-Soo Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of) [9011-50]
SD&A Prizes and Closing Remarks
Wed. 5:20 to 5:30 pm |
All-Conference Reception
Wed. 7:30 to 9:30 pm |
The annual Electronic Imaging All-Conference Reception provides a wonderful opportunity to get to know and interact with new and old SD&A colleagues. Plan to join us for this relaxing and enjoyable event.
Attend other EI Conferences, or
visit the Photonics West Exibition
Thurs. 9:00 am to 12:30 pm |
Attendees may either attend any of the many Electronic Imaging Symposium conferences running this morning (starting a 9am) at the conference hotel, or visit the Photonics West exhibition (starting at 10am) at the Moscone Centre.
If you have registered for the bus tour (see below), be sure to set your alarm to meet the bus at the appropriate time and place. |
SD&A Magical Mystery 3D Bus Tour
(separate fee payable)
Thurs. 12:30 to 8:00 pm |
They Mystery is over and we are ready to reveal details of this brand new feature for SD&A XXV. The SD&A committee have organized a bus tour on Thursday 6th February 2014 from 12:30pm to 8pm to visit two local 3D companies in Silicon Valley – Intuitive Surgical and NVIDIA – followed by dinner at a popular tech hangout. Both companies are strong users and supporters of stereoscopic imaging in their products and this is a unique opportunity to visit these two companies.
Intuitive Surgical develops and markets a telerobotic surgery system called 'da Vinci' which uses a stereoscopic display and endoscopic stereoscopic camera as an integral part of the system. The da Vinci system is remarkable in that it optically aligns the stereoscopic image of the robotic manipulators with the operator's two hands which makes the system very intuitive to use - hence the company's name.
NVIDIA has developed stereoscopic imaging technologies for more than 12 years. Their stereoscopic solutions have been a critical component of the success of many 3D imaging systems due to the fundamental and enabling capabilities that NVIDIA graphics cards provide.
Tour Schedule:
12:30pm pickup from Hilton San Francisco Union Square Hotel, 333 O'Farrell Street
1:00pm pickup from Photonics West Exhibition, Moscone Center, Howard Street.
2:00pm to 4:35pm Visits to Intuitive Surgical and NVIDIA - alternating in two groups
4:45pm Optional dropoff at Lawrence Caltrain station
(for those wishing an earlier return to downtown San Francisco or travel to SFO or SJC airports)
[For connection to SFO: there is a Caltrain departing Lawrence station 4:52pm;
arriving 5:43 Millbrae; take BART to SFO ~30 minutes, arrive 6:15;
SFO Sky Train to terminal, arrive at SFO ~6:30]
5pm-6:15pm Dinner (separate cost - expected to be $38 excluding drinks)
Faultline Brewing Company,
1235 Oakmead Pkwy, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
8:00pm offload at Hilton Hotel (estimated)
Tour Costs:
A separate fee is payable to attend the SD&A Magical Mystery 3D Bus Tour.
The tour cost is $40 (excluding dinner).
Dinner is a separate cost – expected to be $38 excluding drinks.
Tour Registration:
Download the tour registration form, complete the details, and fax it in by 29 January.
The tour registration form is here: http://www.stereoscopic.org/2014/bustour2014.pdf
Onsite registration will also be possible but subject to available spaces.
Numbers are limited - register early!
Please note that Intuitive Surgical requires visitors to review and sign a badge form with mini non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Details to follow.
Additional details of the tour will gradually be leaked to the SD&A Linkedin group - join now!