1998 Proceedings

1998 Photos

Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V (1998)
In Review
The Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V proceedings contains papers from the two conferences "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IX" and "The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality V".
This page brings together a large range of information about the 1998 conferences.
The photo album is open for you to see:
Proceedings information available online:
The 1998 conference proceedings will soon be available from SPIE.
The title is "Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V"
and is proceedings volume number 3295. Contact SPIE for further
information "http://www.spie.org".
The price is US$89 (US$67 for SPIE members).
The Proceedings of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference and the related Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference are an invaluable reference source.