2015 Proceedings

2015 Photos

Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI (2015)
This area contains a wide range of information about the 2015 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference:
The Conference Program lists the papers presented and the timing of the various sessions.
The SD&A Conference Proceedings are a rich source of information:
- read the Proceedings Introduction which summarises the conference.
- the papers from the conference are available in electronic, print and DVD format.
The photo album is open for you to see:
- The Conference (Keynote, People, Equipment, etc)
- The Demonstration Session
- The SD&A Dinner
Videos of selected technical presentations and events at the conference are also available via the Conference Program page. 
See the list of content shown at the SD&A 3D Theatre session.
These sections and others are also available by clicking on the buttons on the menu at the top left of this screen.
