2013 Proceedings

2013 Photos

Conference Program:

The World's Premier Conference for 3D Innovation
Videos of many of the presentations at the conference are available for free viewing by clicking on the special "Video" icons in the program list below. |
Monday-Wednesday 4-6 February 2013
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel,
south San Francisco, California, USA. 
To be published as Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8648
Part of IS&T/SPIE's International Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology
Sunday-Thursday 3-7 February 2013 ¤ Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel,
south San Francisco, California, USA
[ Advance Program: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Keynote 1, Keynote 2, Demonstration Session, 3D Theatre, Discussion Forum ]
[ Register, Short Course ]
Silver Sponsors: |
Program Committee: |
Neil A. Dodgson, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom);
Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan);
Takashi Kawai, Waseda University (Japan);
John D. Stern, Intuitive Surgical, Retired (United States);
Vivian K. Walworth, StereoJet Inc. (United States);
Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design (United States);
Michael A. Weissman, Perspective Systems (United States);
Samuel Z. Zhou, IMAX Corp. (Canada). |
Visual Comfort
Session Chair: Andrew J. Woods, Curtin Univ. (Australia)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Mon. 8:30 to 9:10 am |
8:30 am: Simulator sickness analysis of 3D video viewing on passive 3DTV, Kjell E. Brunnström, Kun Wang, Acreo AB (Sweden) and Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden); Börje Andrén, Acreo AB (Sweden) [8648-01]
8:50 am: Study of visual fatigue/discomfort generated by S3D video using eye-tracking data Iana Iatsun, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, XLIM-SIC (France) [8648-02]
SD&A Welcome and Opening Remarks |
Mon. 9:10 to 9:20 am |
SD&A Keynote Session 1
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Mon. 9:20 am to 10:20 pm |
History of Polarized Image Stereoscopic Display [8648-80]
Vivian K. Walworth, StereoJet, Inc.

This presentation will recount the historic work of many investigators who contributed to the development of stereoscopic display through utilization of light polarization. The talk will include personal recollections of experiences with key inventors and colleagues, as well as early adventures in exploitation of the technology. Early cinema 3D demonstrations utilized polarizing filters over paired projectors, and viewers wore complementary polarizing glasses. Millions saw the 3D Chrysler film at the New York World's Fair in 1938 and 1939. 3D cinema has also utilized this technology. The Vectograph process, which provided back-to-back image pairs having oppositely oriented polarization, facilitated single-pass printing of stereoscopic images. Black-and-white Vectograph stereoscopic images were used extensively during World War II for both aerial surveillance and military instruction manuals. For many years binocular vision testing and training kits have included black-and-white Vectograph target images. In the postwar years excellent color Vectographs were made in the Polaroid laboratories, using dye transfer technology. Polaroid also collaborated with Technicolor in 3D cinema tests using that company's "imbibition" transfer technology. The introduction of inkjet printing technology in the 1980s gave impetus to exploration of single-pass 3D color printing at Polaroid. In the 1990s the Rowland Institute for Science produced excellent full-color StereoJet 3D Images on Vectograph substrate, which is no longer manufactured. StereoJet, Inc. is presently developing circularly polarized full-color StereoJet image systems using conventional polarizer substrate.
Vivian Walworth earned a B.S. in Chemistry at the University of Michigan in 1942. She worked in the Polaroid Research Laboratories from 1944 to 1985. After leaving Polaroid she became a consultant in photographic science. Vivian's early Polaroid work included research and development in Vectograph color processes, high-efficiency polarizers, photosensitive Vectograph materials, and 3D camera devices. Although later responsibilities involved management and research in photographic emulsion formulation, dye sensitization, novel photosensitive materials, and research microscopy, Vivian continued to collaborate in work on 3D technology and applications. Vivian's publications include 28 Polaroid patents and many technical papers. She co-authored with Land and Rogers a definitive account of one-step photography. She also wrote and co-authored several encyclopedia sections on instant photography and related systems. Vivian served as president of SPSE (now IS&T) from 1981-1985. She edited IS&T's Journal of Imaging Science 1989-1991 and its Journal of Imaging Science & Technology 1992-1996. She is an Honorary member of IS&T. From 1993 to 2001 Vivian served as consultant to Jay Scarpetti at the Rowland Institute for Science, where they first produced StereoJet full color 3D images. Her current work at StereoJet, Inc., centers on development of advanced materials and technology for producing StereoJet 3D images.
Coffee Break |
Mon. 10:20 to 10:50 am |
Parallel Sessions |
3D Image Quality I: Displays
Session Chair: Nicolas S. Holliman, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom) (was: Kawai)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Mon. 10:50 am to 12:30 pm |
Sessions 2 and 5 run concurrently.
10:50 am: Optical modeling of lenticular array for autostereoscopic displays, Sung-Min Jung, Keong-Jin Lee, Seung-Chul Lee, Kyoung-Moon Lim, Sang-Deog Yeo, LG Display (Korea, Republic of) [8648-04]
11:10 am: Simple measurement of lenticular lens quality for autostereoscopic displays, Stuart Gray, Robert A. Boudreau, Corning Incorporated (United States) [8648-06]
11:30 am: Visibility of binocular crosstalk for high-dynamic range displays, Marc Lambooij, Martin Hammer, TP Vision (Netherlands) [8648-08]
11:50 am: Method to test and quantify 3D active shutter glasses, Kurt Hoffmeister, Mechdyne Corp. (United States) [8648-10]
12:10 pm: Towards standardized 3DTV QoE assessment: cross-lab study on display technology and viewing environment parameters, Marcus Barkowsky, Jing Li, Polytech' Nantes (France); Taehwan Han, Sungwook Youn, Jiheon Ok, Chulhee Lee, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Christer Hedberg, Inirajith V. Ananth, Acreo AB (Sweden); Kun Wang, Kjell E. Brunnström, Acreo AB (Sweden) and Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden); Patrick Le Callet, Polytech' Nantes (France) [8648-12]
3D Content and Coding
Session Chair: Michael A. Weissman, Perspective Systems (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom G |
Mon. 10:50 am to 12:30 pm |
Sessions 2 and 5 run concurrently.
10:50 am: Optical axes misalignment compensation method for stereo camera zooming, Jinmo Kang, Junyong Lee, Changseob Park, Korean Broadcasting System (Korea, Republic of) [8648-03]
11:10 am: Stereo rendering of rain in real-time, Syed A. Hussain, David F. McAllister, North Carolina State Univ. (United States) [8648-05]
11:30 am: A new 3D video format for multiview/freeview depth image based rendering, Lin Du, Yan Xu, Gang Cheng, Technicolor Beijing (China) [8648-07] cancelled
11:50 am: Subjective evaluation of an edge-based depth image compression scheme, Yun LI, Mårten Sjöström, Ulf Jennehag, Roger Olsson, Sylvain Tourancheau, Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden) [8648-09]
12:10 pm: Cooperative ARQ for 3D video transmission, Yan Xu, Lin Du, Technicolor (China) Technology Co., Ltd. (China) [8648-11] cancelled
Lunch Break
1:00-1:50pm |
Lunch Time Discussion Round Table
An informal discussion of various stereoscopic topics over lunch.
The topic for each day will be announced at the conference.
Grab some lunch and meet at the reserved table - limited numbers. |
Mon. 12:30 to 2:00 pm |
Parallel Sessions |
Autostereo I: Paths to Large-Scale Display
Session Chair: Gregg E. Favalora, Optics for Hire (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Mon. 2:00 to 3:20 pm |
Sessions 3 and 6 run concurrently.
2:00 pm: Natural 3D content on glasses-free light-field 3D cinema, Tibor Balogh, Péter Tamás Kovács, Zsolt Nagy, Holografika Kft. (Hungary) [8648-14]
2:20 pm: Large-scale autostereoscopic outdoor display, Joerg Reitterer, Franz Fidler, Ferdinand Saint Julien-Wallsee, TriLite Technologies GmbH (Austria); Gerhard Schmid, Wolfgang Gartner, Walter Leeb, Ulrich Schmid, Technische Univ. Wien (Austria) [8648-15]
2:40 pm: [Special Presentation] Characterizing and Reducing Crosstalk in Printed Anaglyph Stereoscopic 3D Images, Andrew J. Woods, Curtin University (Australia)
[paper under review with SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering]
[8648-17] withdrawn
3:00 pm: Multi-view display module using MEMS projectors for an ultra-large screen autostereoscopic display, Kenji Hirabayashi, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan); Hiromitsu Takenaka, Osamu Konuma, Yasuhiro Morimoto, Samsung Yokohama Research Institute Co., Ltd. (Japan); Yasuhiro Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) [8648-20]
Multi-Layer 3D Displays
Session Chair: John D. Stern, Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Retired (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom G |
Mon. 2:00 to 3:20 pm |
Sessions 3 and 6 run concurrently.
2:00 pm: Real-time handling of existing content sources on a multi-layer display, Darryl Singh, Jung Shin, PureDepth Inc. (New Zealand) [8648-13]
2:20 pm: Switching dual layer display with a dynamic mask, Quinn Y. J. Smithwick, Mark Reichow, Walt Disney Imagineering (United States) [8648-16]
2:40 pm: Design of time-multiplexed autostereoscopic displays based on virtual stacking of multi-layer panels, Hironobu Gotoda, National Institute of Informatics (Japan) [8648-18]
3:00 pm: A new method to enlarge a range of continuously perceived depth in DFD (depth-fused 3D) display, Atsuhiro Tsunakawa, Tomoki Soumiya, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama, Univ. of Tokushima (Japan) [8648-19]
Coffee Break |
Mon. 3:20 to 4:00 pm |
Parallel Sessions |
Human Factors: 3D User Studies
Session Chair: John O. Merritt, The Merritt Group (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Mon. 4:00 to 5:20 pm |
Sessions 4 and 7 run concurrently.
4:00 pm: Subjective and objective measurements of visual fatigue induced by excessive disparities in stereoscopic images , Yong Ju Jung, Dongchan Kim, Hosik Sohn, Seong-il Lee, Yong Man Ro, Hyun Wook Park, KAIST (Korea, Republic of) [8648-22]
4:20 pm: Depth distortion in color-interlaced stereoscopic 3D displays, Joohwan Kim, Paul V. Johnson, Martin S. Banks, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States) [8648-23]
4:40 pm: Depth perception from stationary and moving stereoscopic three-dimensional images, Sowjanya Gowrisankaran, Yu-Chi Tai, Shun-nan Yang, Pacific Univ. (United States) [8648-26]
5:00 pm: Immersion, tangibility, and realism: explaining the qualitative experience of stereopsis, Dhanraj Vishwanath, Univ. of St. Andrews (United Kingdom) [8648-27]
Autostereo II: Display, Computation, and Capture
Session Chair: Gregg E. Favalora, Optics for Hire (United States) (was: Kakeya)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom G |
Mon. 4:00 to 5:20 pm |
Sessions 4 and 7 run concurrently.
4:00 pm: Aerial 3D LED display by use of retroreflective sheeting, Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Shiro Suyama, Univ. of Tokushima (Japan) [8648-21]
4:20 pm: Implementation of shading effect for reconstruction of smooth layer-based 3D holographic images, Daping Chu, Jhen-Si Chen, Univ of Cambridge (United Kingdom) [8648-24]
4:40 pm: [Special Presentation] Two notes: a 198-view autostereoscopic projection display with a vibrating lenticular array, and chirped gratings for an HOE-based lightfield display Gregg E. Favalora, Optics for Hire (United States) [no manuscript]
[8648-25] moved to poster session
5:00 pm: Integral imaging camera for capturing hologram using focal image stack, Sung-Keun Lee, Yong-Soo Kim, Sung-In Hong, Kyeong-Min Jeong, Jae-Hyeung Park, Chungbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of) [8648-28]
Short Break |
Mon. 5:20 to 5:40 pm |
SD&A 3D Theatre
Session Chairs: Andrew J. Woods, Curtin Univ. of Technology (Australia); Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design, Inc.; John D. Stern, retired.
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D
Mon. 5:40 to 7:30 pm |
This ever-popular event allows attendees to see large-screen examples of 3D content from around the world.
Program announced at the conference. 3D glasses provided.
[further information]
SD&A Conference Annual Dinner |
Mon. 7:45 pm to 10:00 pm |
The annual informal dinner for SD&A attendees. An opportunity to meet with colleagues and discuss the latest advances. There is no host for the dinner. Information on venue and cost will be provided on the day at the conference. |
EI Plenary Session and Society Award Presentations
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Tues. 8:20 to 9:30 am |
Welcome: 8:20 to 8:25 am
Plenary Presentation: 8:25 to 9:10 am
Society Award Announcements: 9:10 to 9:20am
"Another Look at Signals and Images"
by Sabine Süsstrunk, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Abstract: Information theory and signal processing have classically used the notion of "side information" to formally describe and analyze situations where providing more information to either the encoding or the decoding process improves system performance.
|  |
SD&A Keynote Presentation II
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Tues. 9:30 - 10:30 am |
Coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games in 3D
Jim DeFilippis, Broadcast Engineering Consultant

The London 2012 Olympics provided the opportunity to broadcast a full-time 3D channel. In the past, 3D coverage was only available on a closed circuit basis of limited events. During the 2012 Olympics, the host broadcaster (Olympic Broadcast Services) operated a 3D channel consisting of the opening and closing ceremonies, multiple sports, both live and near live coverage, and produced over 275 hours of 3D stereoscopic programming. The Olympic 3D channel was available to all the rights holding broadcasters including: BBC, Eurovision, SkyItalia, Nine Network Australia, Japan Pool, NBC and others. The core of the 3D coverage was provided from three mobile production units and six single camera field production units. A variety of stereoscopic rigs were used in each of four venues alongside the Panasonic ENG/EFP P2 3D Camcorder. Some special stereo cameras were also used including: pole cameras, rail cameras, RF cameras and underwater cameras. I will present the unique challenges in providing 3D coverage, from organizing the 3D channel as well as the technical challenge of covering sports in 3D while accommodating the full-up 2D production with an emphasis on what worked and what did not.
Jim is an independent consultant to media and broadcasting. He has worked in radio and television broadcasting for over 32 years including the ABC Television and Radio Network, the Advanced Television Test Center, the Atlanta Olympic Broadcast Organization and recently as the EVP of Digital Television Technologies and Standards, for the FOX Television Group. His main focus is on 3D TV, high frame rate video production, Mobile DTV and digital file based work flows. Past activities include the development of progressive camera systems to replace film for television, 480p30 video systems (FOX Widescreen), and MPEG 2 splicing system design and deployment for the FOX Network. Previous to FOX, Jim was the Head of Engineering for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games where he championed the development of the first all digital, disk based, super slo-motion camera/recording system (Panasonic/EVS). Jim has been involved with the Olympics since 1993 and has participated in five Olympic games: Lillihamer (1994), Atlanta (1996), Sydney (2000), Torino (2006) and London (2012). He is the author of several papers on the topic of digital television, progressive scanning cameras and digital media workflow. Jim attended the School of Engineering at Columbia University in the City of New York where he attained his Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering in 1980 and his Masters of Science in electrical engineering in 1990. Jim is a Fellow of the SMPTE and is involved in standards development at the International Telecommunications Union. He is active in ATSC standards work including A/85 RP for Audio Loudness Control for DTV. In 2012 Jim received the David Sarnoff Award from the SMPTE for his contributions to improving television technologies.
Coffee Break |
Tue. 10:30 to 11:00 am |
2D to 3D Conversion and Depth Mapping/Remapping
Session Chair: Takashi Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan) (was: Holliman)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Tue. 11:00 am - 12:40 pm |
11:00 am: The psychology of the 3D experience, Sophie H. Janicke, Florida State Univ. (United States); Andrew Ellis, Florida State Univ. (United States) and Florida State Univ. (United States) [8648-29]
11:20 am: A semi-automatic 2D to stereoscopic 3D image and video conversion system in a semi-automated segmentation perspective , Raymond Phan, Dimitrios Androutsos, Ryerson Univ. (Canada) [8648-30]
11:40 am: Temporally consistent disparity estimation using PCA dual cross-bilateral grid, Jin Zhu, Technische Univ. Eindhoven (Netherlands); Patrick Vandewalle, Philips Research (Netherlands); Gerard de Haan, Philips Research Nederland B.V. (Netherlands) [8648-31]
12:00 pm: Automatic depth grading tool to successfully adapt stereoscopic 3D content to digital cinema and home viewing environments , Didier Doyen, Cédric Thébault, Technicolor S.A. (France); Pierre Routhier, Technicolor S.A. (Canada); Thierry Borel, Technicolor S.A. (France) [8648-32]
12:20 pm: Disparity remapping to ameliorate visual comfort of stereoscopic video, Sohn Hosik, Yong Ju Jung, Seong-il Lee, KAIST (Korea, Republic of); Filippo Speranza, Communications Research Ctr. Canada (Canada); Yong Man Ro, KAIST (Korea, Republic of) [8648-33]
Lunch Break
1:00-1:50pm |
Lunch Time Discussion Round Table
An informal discussion of various stereoscopic topics over lunch.
The topic for each day will be announced at the conference.
Grab some lunch and meet at the reserved table - limited numbers. |
Tue. 12:40 - 2:00 pm |
3D Image Quality II: Content
Session Chair: Nicolas S. Holliman, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom) (was: Zhou)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Tue. 2:00 - 3:20 pm |
2:00 pm: Disparity analysis of 3D movies and emotional representations , Takashi Kawai, Masahiro Hirahara, Yuya Tomiyama, Daiki Atsuta, Waseda Univ. (Japan); Jukka Häkkinen, Aalto Univ. (Finland) [8648-34]
2:20 pm: Methodology of stereoscopic motion picture quality assessment, Alexander Voronov, Dmitriy Vatolin, Vyacheslav Napadovsky, Alexey Borisov, Denis Sumin, Moscow State Univ. (Russian Federation) [8648-35]
2:40 pm: Critical alignment methods for stereoscopic production and post-production image registration, Christopher A. Mayhew, Craig M. Mayhew, Vision III Imaging, Inc. (United States) [8648-36]
3:00 pm: Towards a metric of antialiasing sufficiency for stereoscopic displays, Charles J. Lloyd, Visual Performance, LLC (United States) [8648-37]
Coffee Break |
Tues. 3:20 to 3:50 pm |
3D Games and 3D Audio
Session Chair: Chris Ward, Lightspeed Design, Inc. (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Tue. 3:50 - 5:30 pm |
3:50 pm: Stereoscopic game design and evaluation, Nicolas S. Holliman, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom) [8648-38]
4:10 pm: Impact of floating windows on the accuracy of depth perception in games, Brodie M. Stanfield, Christopher Zerebecki, Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada); Karen Collins, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada) [8648-39]
4:30 pm: An interactive in-game approach to user adjustment of stereoscopic 3D settings, Mina Tawadrous, Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada); Karen Collins, Univ of Waterloo (Canada) [8648-73]
[8648-40] withdrawn
4:50 pm: The effects of 5.1 sound presentations on the perception of stereoscopic imagery in video games, Brian Cullen, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada); Daniel Galperin, Karen Collins, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada); Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada) [8648-41]
5:10 pm: Depth perception of audio sources in stereo 3D environments, David Corrigan, Marcin Gorzel, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland); John Squires, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland); Frank Boland, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) [8648-42]
Symposium Demonstration Session
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom A |
Tues. 5:30 - 7:30 pm |
A symposium-wide demonstration session will be open to attendees 5:30 to 7:30 pm Tuesday evening. Demonstrators will provide interactive, hands-on demonstrations of a wide-range of products related to Electronic Imaging.
The session will have a focused "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications" area. The demonstration session hosts a vast collection of stereoscopic products providing a perfect opportunity to witness a wide array of stereoscopic displays with your own two eyes.
[further information]
Plenary Session and Conference Award Presentations
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Wed. 8:20 to 9:30 am |
Welcome: 8:20 to 8:25 am
Plenary Presentation: 8:25 to 9:10 am
Conference Award Announcements: 9:10 to 9:20 am
"A Trillion Photos"
by Steven Seitz, Univ. of Washington (United States)

Abstract: Collectively, we take upwards of a trillion photos each year. These images together comprise a nearly complete visual record of the world's people, places, things and events. However, this record is massively disorganized, unlabeled, and untapped.
Parallel Sessions |
Accommodation and 3D Display
Session Chair: Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) (was: Dodgson)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Wed. 9:30 - 10:30 am |
Sessions 11 and 13 run concurrently.
9:30 am: Accommodation responses to horizontal-parallax-only super multiview display, Junya Nakamura, Kosuke Tanaka, Yasuhiro Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) [8648-44]
9:50 am: Lightweight spatial-multiplexed dual focal-plane near to eye display using two freeform prisms, Dewen Cheng, Yongtian Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology (China); Guofan Jin, Tsinghua Univ. (China) [8648-45] cancelled
10:10 am: An optical see-through, multi-focal-plane stereoscopic display prototype enabling nearly-correct focus cues, Xinda Hu, Hong Hua, College of Optical Sciences, The Univ. of Arizona (United States) [8648-47]
3D Developments I
Session Chair: Nicolas S. Holliman, Univ. of Durham (United Kingdom)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom G |
Wed. 9:30 - 10:30 am |
Sessions 11 and 13 run concurrently.
9:30 am: S3D depth-axis interaction for video games: performance and engagement, Chris R. Zerebecki, Brodie Stanfield, Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology (Canada); Karen Collins, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada) [8648-43]
9:50 am: Comfortable stereo viewing on mobile devices, Takashi Shibata, Tokyo Univ. of Social Welfare (Japan) and Waseda Univ. (Japan); Fumiya Muneyuki, Keisuke Oshima, Junki Yoshitake, Takashi Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan) [8648-64] [8648-46] withdrawn
10:10 am: Discernible difference and change in object depth afforded by stereoscopic three-dimensional content, Shunnan Yang, John R. Hayes, Pacific Univ. (United States); James E. Sheedy, Pacific Univ (United States); Sowjanya Gowrisankaran, Pacific Univ. (United States) [8648-48]
Coffee Break |
Wed. 10:30 - 11:10 am |
Parallel Sessions |
Applications and Volumetric Displays
Session Chair: Gregg E. Favalora, Optics for Hire (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Wed. 11:10 - 12:30 pm |
Sessions 12 and 14 run concurrently.
11:10 am: Is the use of 55" LCD 3D screen practicable in large seminar to lecture-hall size audiences?, Justus F. Ilgner M.D., Ingo Sparrer M.D., Martin Westhofen M.D., Univ. Hospital Aachen (Germany) [8648-50]
11:30 am: Immersive stereoscopic panoramas, John S. Toeppen, HoloGraphics (United States); Jason Buchheim, Odyssey Expeditions (United States) [8648-52]
11:50 am: Extended depth-of-field in integral imaging by depth-dependent deconvolution, Hector Navarro, Genaro Saavedra-Tortosa, Manuel Martinez-Corral, Univ. de València (Spain); Mårten Sjöström, Roger Olsson, Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden) [8648-63] [8648-54] withdrawn
12:10 pm: Experimental verification of conditions for bubble-projection three-dimensional display, Takuma Uchida, Hitoshi Ozaki, Hiroshi Kawakami, Jippei Suzuki, Mie Univ. (Japan); Koichi Nakayama, Saga Univ. (Japan) [8648-55]
3D Developments II
Session Chair: John O. Merritt, The Merritt Group (United States)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom G |
Wed. 11:10 - 12:30 pm |
Sessions 12 and 14 run concurrently.
11:10 am: Depth enhanced multi-layered display using polarization dependent double reflection, Na-Young Jo, Hee-Seung Kim, Jae-Hyeung Park, Chungbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of) [8648-49]
11:30 am: Polarization analysis of the light emitted by liquid-crystal-based 3D displays, Pierre M. Boher, Thierry Leroux, Thibault Bignon, Véronique Collomb-Patton, ELDIM (France) [8648-51]
11:50 am: Accurate depth estimation using spatiotemporal consistency in arbitrary camera array, Woo-Seok Jang, Yo-Sung Ho, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of) [8648-53]
12:10 pm: Stereoscopic 3D video coding artifacts quality evaluation with 2D objective metrics, Kun Wang, Kjell E. Brunnström, Acreo AB (Sweden) and Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden); Marcus Barkowsky, Patrick LeCallet, Univ. de Nantes (France); Mårten Sjöström, Sylvain Tourancheau, Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden) [8648-56]
Lunch Break
1:00-1:50pm |
Lunch Time Discussion Round Table
An informal discussion of various stereoscopic topics over lunch.
The topic for each day will be announced at the conference.
Grab some lunch and meet at the reserved table - limited numbers. |
Wed. 12:30 - 2:00 pm |
3D Cinema
Session Chair: Andrew J. Woods, Curtin Univ. (Australia)
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Wed. 2:00 - 2:20 pm |
2:00 pm: Case study: The Avengers 3D: cinematic techniques and digitally created 3D, Graham D. Clark, Stereo D (United States) [8648-57]  |
Discussion Forum
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Wed. 2:20 to 3:20 pm |
3D Movies - Is There Enough Depth?

The SD&A Discussion Forum is a great opportunity to hear a panel of stereoscopic luminaries discuss a topic of high stereoscopic relevance. The title of this year's discussion forum is an intentional play on words. The forum could be a discussion of whether 3D movies have sufficient narrative quality and whether they rely too much on the 3D effects. Or it could be a discussion about the depth budget in 3D movies - there has been an ongoing discussion that some 3D movies are simply too flat and overly conservative in their parallax range, however there are also concerns that depth range needs to be managed to ensure visual safety. Of course, the latter topic is the substantive one, although it would be fun to consider both aspects.
Be prepared for a lively discussion with opportunity for questions from the audience.

Moderator: | Gregg Favalora, Optics for Hire
Panelists: |
Eric Kurland, Stereographer, 3-DIY (The Longest Daycare)
Jenny Read, Vision Scientist, University of Newcastle (UK)
Paul Judkins, Director of Technical Film Projects, IMAX Corp. (Canada)
Phil McNally, Stereoscopic Supervisor, Dreamworks Animation (USA) |
SD&A Closing Remarks |
Wed. 3:20 to 3:30 pm |
Interactive Paper (Poster) Session
Posters will be placed on display after 10:30 am on Wednesday. An interactive session, with authors present at their papers, will be held Wednesday afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30 pm. |
Wed. 3:30 - 5:30 pm |
3D Displays
- Wide viewing angle three-dimensional display using curved HOE lens array, Hideya Takahashi, Yoshiaki Oshima, Joji Kanda, Osaka City Univ. (Japan); Kenji Yamada, Osaka Univ. (Japan) [8648-58]
- Volumetric display based on optical scanning of an inclined image plane by an image rotator and imaging by a dihedral corner reflector array, Yuki Maeda, Diasuke Miyazaki, Takaaki Mukai, Osaka City Univ. (Japan); Satoshi Maekawa, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan) [8648-59]
Resolution-enhanced display of three-dimensional objects by using the dynamic mask pattern in a depth-priority integral-imaging system, Suk-Pyo Hong, Eun-Seong Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Donghak Shin, Dongseo Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Eun-Soo Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of) [8648-60] cancelled
- A method of reducing number of pixels on display device for super-multiview display, Yuki Adachi, Tomohiro Yendo, Nagaoka Univ. of Technology (Japan) [8648-61]
- Development of super multiview head-up display and evaluation of motion parallax smoothness, Hiroyuki Nishio, Yasuhiro Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) [8648-62]
- [8648-63] moved to Session 12
- An autostereoscopic display system with four viewpoints in full resolution using active anaglyph parallax barrier, Qu Zhang, Hideki Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) [8648-25]
Human Factors
- [8648-64] moved to Session 13
- The effect of disparity magnitude and stimulus size on visual comfort of stereoscopic image, Seong-il Lee, Yong Ju Jung, Hosik Sohn, Yong Man Ro, KAIST (Korea, Republic of) [8648-65]
- Evaluation of the no-disparity realistic image from a sense of presence and low fatigue, Hisaki Nate, Nobutaka Natui, Naoki Hayashi, Kazuo Ishikawa, Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. (Japan); Toyohiko Hatada, Tokyo Optometric College (Japan); Yutaka Ichihara, Nobuyuki Miyake, Yoshijiro Ushio, Nikon Corp. (Japan) [8648-66]
[8648-67] withdrawn
- Boosting paired comparison methodology in measuring visual discomfort of 3DTV: performances of three different designs, Jing Li, Marcus Barkowsky, Patrick Le Callet, Polytech' Nantes (France) [8648-68]
[8648-69] withdrawn
3D Camera Systems
- Stereoscopic camera configurations for the real-time acquisition of panoramic 3D images and videos, Luis E. Gurrieri, Eric Dubois, Univ. of Ottawa (Canada) [8648-70]
[8648-71] withdrawn
Applications of 3D Displays
- Applications of 2D to 3D conversion for educational purposes, Yoshihisa Koido, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Saki Shiraishi, Wataru Maruyama, Soya Takeuchi, Waseda Univ. (Japan); Toshio Nakagori, Tokai Univ. (Japan); Masataka Hirakata, Hirohisa Shinkai, Toppan Printing (Japan); Takashi Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan) [8648-72]
- [8648-73] moved to Session 10
- A stereoscopic archive for the heritage of industrial modernization and the evaluation, Hayoung Yoon, Kohei Ando, Waseda Univ. (Japan); Takashi Kawai, Tokyo Univ. of Science (Japan); Keiji Ohta, Quality eXperience Design Co., Ltd. (Japan) [8648-74]
3D Image Quality
- A wavelet-based image quality metric for the assessment of 3D synthesized views, Emilie Bosc, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes (France); Federica Battisti, Marco Carli, Univ. degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy); Patrick Le Callet, Polytech'Nantes (France) [8648-75]
- Stereoscopic display gray-to-gray crosstalk measurement, Yi-Heng Chou, Fu Hao Chen, Kuo-Chung Huang, kuen Lee, Ching-Chiu Liao, Yi-hen Chen, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) [8648-76]
Image Processing and Coding
- Compressing stereo images in discrete Fourier transform domain, Chee Sun Won, Dongguk Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Shahram Shirani, McMaster Univ. (Canada) [8648-77]
- Depth inloop resampling using dilation filter for free viewpoint video system, Seok Lee, Seungsin Lee, Hocheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee, Dusik Park, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (Korea, Republic of) [8648-78]
- Adaptive hole filling for 3D warping-based virtual view synthesis, Tatsuro Mori, Nagoya Univ. (Japan); Mehrdad Panahpour tehrani, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan); Toshiaki Fujii, Nagoya Univ. (Japan); Masayuki Tanimoto, Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute (Japan) [8648-79]
EI Special Event - The Optical Mission Behind the Stratos Project
Room: Grand Peninsula Ballroom D |
Wed. 5:30 to 7:00 pm |
The recent Red Bull Stratos Project enabled Felix Baumgartner to skydive from over 120,000 feet, breaking a number of world records, and also become the first person to break the sound barrier in free fall. This incredible example of human achievement was documented by a group of optical imaging scientists who worked for over two years to develop the necessary systems and equipment. This monumental leap was captured by 35 cameras to provide a full picture of what this endeavor means for the future of scientific exploration. This special evening presentation will feature an insider look behind the Stratos Project: goals, challenges, and lessons learned. |
Electronic Imaging All-Conference Reception |
Wed. 7:00 to 9:00 pm |
The annual Electronic Imaging All-Conference Reception provides a wonderful opportunity to get to know and interact with new and old SD&A colleagues. Plan to join us for this relaxing and enjoyable event. |