2015 Proceedings

2015 Photos


Photo Album of the
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI (2015) Conference
The Demonstration Session
It was pleasing to see a wide range of demonstrations and a large audience actively engaging with the various displays and vendors at this year's demonstration session. The buzz in the session was excellent.

Demonstrations relevant to SD&A topics at this year's demonstration session included:
- Jean-Etienne Gaudreau, PolarScreens Inc. showed a 27" virtual reality monitor which also provides full resolution autostereoscopic capability.
- Steve Mason, Yavapai College showed a selection of 3D artworks using the Chromadepth 3D technique. [9391-10]

- Johanna Rousson, Grent University showed a 3D display and software used to perform the subjective experiments described in her paper. [9391-20]
- Hidetsugu Suginohara, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. demonstrated a prototype of their multi-layer 3D display based on a stack of two 9-inch LCDs. Motion parallax is implemented by head tracking using a Microsoft Kinect. [9391-37]

- Takuya Mukaj, University of Tsukuba demonstrated the autostereoscopic display discussed in their paper. [9391-40]
- Stephan Keith, Andrew Horobin and Pascu Blaine from The Art Institute of California presnted an Oculus DK2-based CR game using an Xbox 360 controller.
- Eliot Winer, Iowa State University demonstrated a football-game-day experience application built for the OculusRift-Head mounted display. [9392-01]
- Chauncey Frend, Indiana University demonstrated a rich virtual reality environment experience which included wind and heat envrionmental feedback. [9392-08]

- Xin Tong, Simon Fraser University showed a VR game called Mobius Floe. It is a pain distraction game developed for chronic pain patients to help them better self-managing their pain. [9392-12]
A prize was awarded for the best 3D demonstration at the session. The judging panel consisted of Nick Holliman and Takashi Kawai and the winner was Steve Mason, Yavapi College (USA) for his demonstration of electronic and hardcopy stereoscopic artworks produced using the ChromaDepth technique.
An album of SD&A 2015 photos is available on Flickr: