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Photo Album of Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IX and The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality V (1998)

The Demonstrations

The demonstrations continue to be a highlight of the conference and this year provided the best show yet of stereoscopic equipment. Shown below is a collection of photographs taken during the demos.

The Slide Factory (San Francisco, CA) demonstrated the StereoJet full-color polarized 3D prints and transparencies - using technologies recently developed at the Rowland Institute for Science (Cambridge, MA). The images are generated by placing a special substrate in a standard ink jet printer loaded with a special ink reservoir. Linearly polarised 3D glasses are worn to view the 3D image.
David Qualman is pictured demonstrating the 3D-Spex liquid crystal shutter glasses, the 17SX stereoscopic shutter kit and WinSPEX/3D stereoscopic imaging software from NuVision Technologies.
Armin Schwertner of Dresden Technical University (Germany) displayed the Dresden 3D display - a parallax barrier based stereoscopic display which utilizes head/eye tracking.
StereoGraphics Corporation (San Rafael, CA) demonstrated the Z-Screen (active polarization shutter for field-sequential CRT displays).

Mixed Reality Systems Lab. Inc. (Japan) demonstrated three of their cross-lenticular autostereoscopic displays. Two systems were being driven by Silicon Graphics workstations and a third by a notebook PC.

Hakan Lennerstad of the University of Karlskrona/Ronneby (Sweden) demonstrated the directional display - a parallax barrier based autostereoscopic display.
Ilixco (Menlo Park, CA) demonstrated the re-released i-glasses and the VGA resolution ProTec i-glasses (formerly manufactured by Virtual i-O).
Adam Kalai of Carnegie Mellon University demonstrated material in support of his paper presentation.
John Miller demonstrated a parallax barrier autostereoscopic display operating from a Macintosh computer to Brad Nelson.
The Stereoscopic Displays and Applications website (this site) was demonstrated on an internet connected PC supplied by David Mark.

(pictured right) Stephen Kurtzer of 3-D Video, Inc. (Santa Barbara, CA) demonstrates the NuView camcorder attachment. (pictured below) The device attaches to the lens of standard camcorders allowing the filming of field-sequential 3D video. (pictured bottom right) Live and pre-recorded 3D video from the camcorders was displayed in a 3D window on a Windows PC system supplied by Mike Weissman.

? and Steve Aubrey of Aubrey Imaging (San Jose, CA) displayed many lenticular 3D posters (including a movie poster for Species II) and proof sheets of various lenticular 3D collector cards (including the Star Wars 2D to 3D conversions).

David Mark from the Planetary Society displayed two parallax barrier images of fluorescent minerals for use in museum displays.
John Bercovitz from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. presented the poster presentation of his paper "Image Side Perspective and Stereoscopy".
Sanyo (Japan) presented a small poster about their autostereoscopic display and 2D to 3D conversion technologies.

In addition to the hardware demonstrations, 3D videos and 3D slides were shown in the separate screening room.

3D items at the Exhibition

The Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference and The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference are both part of the huge Photonics West Symposium. Held at the same time as the symposium is the absolutely huge exhibition. On the exhibition floor were a number of 3D items of interest:

3DTV Corporation (Springfield, OR) demonstrated 3D Composer (a sterescopic image aware authoring and display system for PCs), the TRI-DVD system for 3D video authoring and playback on DVD and 3DTV's new wireless Liquid Crystal shutter glasses (right).

Kaiser Electro-Optics Inc. demonstrated their ProView range of Head Mounted Displays.

Jim Fergason demonstrated a retroreflective stereoscopic display and LCD display resolution doubling technology as used in some i-glasses displays (pictured in the white shirt is James McCoy).

The Felix volumetric 3D display was demonstrated by Detlef Bahr (Technical University of Braunschweig) (left) and K. Langhans (Director of Studies at Vincent-Lubeck High School) (centre).

All photographs (except Felix) © 1998 Andrew Woods.

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Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference

Maintained by: Andrew Woods
Revised: June 19, 1999.