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Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX (2009) |
Year | Conference (Name and Number) |
Location |
Proc. SPIE Vol. |
Published in Volume (name) |
SD&A Conference Chairs |
1990 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications |
Santa Clara |
1256 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications |
John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher |
1991 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II |
San Jose |
1457 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II |
John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher |
1992 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications III |
San Jose |
1669 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications III |
John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher |
1993 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV |
San Jose |
1915 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV |
John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher |
1994 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V |
San Jose |
2177 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems |
Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt |
1995 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VI |
San Jose |
2409 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems II |
Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt |
1996 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII |
San Jose |
2653 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III |
Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt |
1997 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VIII |
San Jose |
3012 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV |
Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt |
1998 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IX |
San Jose |
3295 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V |
Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt |
1999 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications X |
San Jose |
3639 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VI |
John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher |
2000 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XI |
San Jose |
3957 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII |
John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton, Andrew J. Woods |
2001 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XII |
San Jose |
4297 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VIII |
Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton |
2002 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIII |
San Jose |
4660 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX |
Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton |
2003 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIV |
Santa Clara |
5006 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems X |
Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton |
2004 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XV |
San Jose |
5291 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XI |
Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton |
2005 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVI |
San Jose |
5664 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XII |
Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt |
2006 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVII |
San Jose |
6055 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII |
Andrew J. Woods, Neil A. Dodgson, John O. Merritt |
2007 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVIII |
San Jose |
6490 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIV |
Andrew J. Woods, Neil A. Dodgson, John O. Merritt |
2008 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX |
San Jose |
6803 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX |
Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, John O. Merritt |
2009 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX |
San Jose |
7237 |
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX |
Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, John O. Merritt |
Equally as important as the technical outputs of the conference are the people who have attended and contributed to making this conference such an enjoyable meeting to attend over those 20 years.
Returning back to the present - this year’s conference was the best attended since the series began. There was a broad range of topics, presentations, and events; and we celebrated the first twenty years of the conference series.
The first day had four technical sessions, a lunchtime discussion, the 3D theatre, and the 20th anniversary banquet.
The four technical sessions covered Applications of Stereoscopy (chaired by John Merritt), Multiview and Lightfield Technologies (chaired by Neil Dodgson), and two sessions on Digital 3D Stereoscopic Entertainment (chaired by Andrew Woods and Chris Ward). The technical sessions form the backbone of the conference, and their content is detailed in the papers contained in this volume.
The two-hour 3D Theatre Session (chaired by Andrew Woods and Chris Ward) is a regular event that showcases how 3D video is being used and produced around the world. This year, we screened the following 3D content (or segments thereof) on the conference’s two high-quality circularly polarized stereoscopic rear-projection systems:
This two-hour session was the most popular session of the conference, with over 250 attendees filling the room. The purpose of this session is to showcase the great range of 3D content that is being produced around the world and we certainly achieved that goal this year.
In recognition of the high quality of material shown at the 3D Theatre, we again offered two ‘Best of Show’ prizes. Our judges, Dr Samuel Zhou (Director of Image Technology at IMAX Corporation, Canada) and Lawrence Kaufman (President, National Stereoscopic Association) chose the winning titles:
Best of Show (Computer Graphics):
“Scaleable City” by Sheldon Brown, The Experimental Game Lab, CRCA, UCSD
Best of Show (Live Action):
“Fireworks Symphony” by Takashi Sekitani, StereoEye (Japan)
Each of the prize winners received a specially autographed copy of the new 3D book "In Your Face 3D" by Sports Illustrated photographer David Klutho and 3D artist Ron Labbe. Congratulations to our winners on their beautiful work.
An illustrated listing of the content shown during this year’s 3D Theatre session will be available from the conference website: www.stereoscopic.org/3dcinema
The evening concluded with a special 20th Anniversary Banquet at the BoTown Chinese Restaurant in downtown San Jose. Approximately 100 conference attendees mingled, talked, and ate in a relaxed atmosphere. After dinner, Andrew Woods and John Merritt gave an illustrated talk about the early days of the conference, including photos of the conference chairs at a much younger age.
The second day of the SD&A conference had the keynote presentation, the demonstration session, the poster session, a lunchtime discussion, and six technical sessions.
The six technical sessions covered Human Factors (chaired by John Merritt), Stereoscopic Developments (two sessions chaired by Vivian Walworth and Takashi Kawai), 3D Displays (chaired by Gregg Favalora), Autostereoscopic Displays (chaired by Nick Holliman), and 3D Image Processing (chaired by Takashi Kawai). For the first time, we had so many papers that we had to run parallel sessions on this day. The technical sessions were followed by the poster session, with a record 23 posters this year. The full papers from the technical sessions and posters are all contained in this volume.
The keynote presentation, titled “Archimedes’ Tub”, was given by Lenny Lipton, who shares with John Merritt the distinction of having attended every SD&A conference in the twenty year series. Lenny gave an entertaining personal tour through the history of stereoscopic displays, and also provided some personal perspectives on his attendance at the SD&A conference over the 20 years.
The final event of the day was the ever-popular Demonstration Session, which has run every year since 1990. Since 2006, this has been a Symposium-wide event, open to demonstrators from all 22 Electronic Imaging conferences. It was pleasing to see a wide variety of stereoscopic imaging systems on display and to see a large audience actively engaging with the various displays and vendors. To our knowledge this annual event is the biggest collection of 3D displays in any one location in North America and it has been so for many years.
This year the following 3D hardware and 3D software products were on show at the demonstration session:
There were also several stereoscopic items at the Electronic Imaging Exhibition in the main concourse on Tuesday and Wednesday:
Also in the exhibit area was the annual Phantogram Exhibit, organized by Terry Wilson from Terryfic3D. Phantograms are a fascinating 3D art form which allow the illusion to be created of real objects sitting in the space in front of you. A very good pair of anaglyph 3D prints created by Terry succinctly demonstrated the difference between a phantogram and a regular 3D image. As well as showing a vast collection of Terry’s own 3D phantograms, the exhibit included works from the following phantogram artists: Gilbert Detillieux, Dennis Wiens, David Kesner, Jim Gasperini, Dan Jacob, Barry Rothstein, Shab Levy, and John Ballou. We were very fortunate to be able to re-route one of the Phantogram postal portfolios to San Jose and have this on display as part of the exhibit.
Throughout the conference we were fortunate to have on exhibit almost two dozen large framed anaglyph 3D prints from the book "In Your Face 3D" by David Klutho. Seeing the long line of 3D prints setup along the wall outside the conference room was certainly an impressive sight. A book signing was also organized during the conference for attendees to get the book personally autographed.
An extensive photo montage and listing of the demonstration session and exhibits from this year’s SD&A conference will be available on the conference website: www.stereoscopic.org
The third day of the SD&A conference had three technical sessions and two discussion forums. The technical sessions covered 2D to 3D Conversion (chaired by Mike Weissman), 3D on Mobile Devices (chaired by Nick Holliman) and Depth Map Techniques (chaired by Neil Dodgson). The papers from these technical sessions are contained in this volume.
This year we had two Discussion Forums. The first considered Standards to Enable Ubiquitous 3D Display. The panel chaired by Nick Holliman consisted of Mike Robinson (RealD, USA), James Tam (CRC, Canada), Howard Postley, (3ality Digital, USA) and Jeroen Brouwer (Philips 3D Solutions, USA). The second panel asked “3D Gaming: what is it going to take to go big time?” The panel was chaired by Neil Schneider from MTBS3D (Canada) and the panelists were Andrew Fear (NVIDIA Corporation, USA), Bob Eminian (iZ3D LLC, USA), Julien Flack (Dynamic Digital Depth, USA), and Chris Ward (Lightspeed Design Inc, USA). The discussion forums always provide an interesting venue for the open discussion of topics of wide interest to the stereoscopic community. As with previous years there was again good interaction with the audience with several questions coming from the floor during both discussion forums.
Several sessions at this year’s SD&A conference were video recorded – the keynote presentation, the discussion forums, and the papers in the double technical session “Digital 3D Stereoscopic Entertainment”. Editing is underway and we plan to progressively make the content available via the conference website through the year.
Two Prizes were offered at the conference for the best use of the stereoscopic projection tools during the technical presentations. Many presentations used stereoscopic projection as an integral part of their presentations and the two winners, chosen by the SD&A conference chairs, were:
The prizes were specially autographed copies of the new book "Inventing the Movies – Hollywood’s epic battle between innovation and the status quo, from Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs" by Scott Kirsner - very kindly donated by the author.
On the Wednesday evening the Electronic Imaging Symposium Reception was also the source of some 3D fun. DepthQ Stereoscopic and NVIDIA setup two large screen demonstrations of 3D gaming using a pair of DepthQ HD projectors and suitable gaming PCs. The setup of Guitar Hero in 3D was particularly popular with various attendees kitted out with the wireless guitar and wireless NVIDIA 3D glasses. Rob Labbe was also wandering the floor shocking attendees with his anaglyph 3D contact lenses.
Many individuals and companies contributed in various ways to make this year’s SD&A conference very successful:
Two of our committee received awards at the Symposium. John Merritt was elected as an SPIE Fellow, for his contribution to stereoscopic imaging over more than two decades. Vivian Walworth was awarded the IS&T President’s Medal for her lifetime’s contribution to that society. We congratulate both of them on these well-deserved awards.
John Merritt has chaired the conference since its inception. Following this highly successful 20th annual conference, he is now stepping down from the conference chair role to be a member of the conference committee, where he can continue to provide wisdom and advice. Neil Dodgson will join Andrew Woods and Nick Holliman as the conference chairs for 2010.
Selected papers in this proceedings volume have been peer reviewed in full. This process was initiated, last year, to facilitate the improved quality of the proceedings, provide authors with constructive feedback on their submissions, and provide academic authors with addition recognition for their publications. There is an increasing importance of peer-reviewed publications in academic circles worldwide and the SD&A conference wishes to remain the most relevant place for stereoscopic imaging papers to be published. Authors were asked to request full peer review. This year, two reviewers were sought for each paper for which peer review was requested. A single-blind review process was conducted for those papers, and authors were given a two-week window to respond to the reviewer comments. The chairs reviewed the author responses to the reviews and decided whether the responses to the reviewer comments justified the paper being classified a peer reviewed technical paper. This year the peer reviewed papers were:
A quick word about a 3D myth which is routinely repeated in the media and also surfaced a few times during the conference. That myth is that the movies in the 1950’s were shown in anaglyph – NOT TRUE… Quoting the website of the 3-D Film Preservation Fund: “Except for a few short films presented in anaglyph form in the early months of 1953 (not widely seen), all of the features, shorts, and cartoons exhibited in commercial theaters from 1952 through 1955 were projected using polarized light. The glasses had colorless lenses like today’s major 3D films. When anaglyph comics appeared in the last quarter of 1953, the colored 3D glasses became commonplace. Fact is, colored lenses are much more memorable than colorless (polarized) lenses used to view 3D films.” (“Top 10 3‑D Myths”, 3-D Film Preservation Fund, www.3dfilmpf.org )
Conference activities do not stop at the end of the January meeting. The SD&A conference website provides a focus for conference activities during the time between conferences. We are seeking abstracts for the 2010 conference, with a deadline in June 2009: see the website for details and deadlines. You can join the conference mailing list to receive conference announcements: visit the SD&A conference website for details. The website has an extensive collection of photographs highlighting the activities of past conferences. In addition the website hosts the stereoscopic virtual library, which contains several historically important books that have been digitized, in full, into PDF format, and are available for free download. Visit the website to gain an understanding of the past, present, and future of stereoscopic imaging and, most of all, think now about submitting a paper or attending next year’s conference. The Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference website is located at: www.stereoscopic.org
Next year the 21st conference will be held for three days in the period 17–21 January 2010, at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California, as part of the 2010 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology Symposium. Photonics West will be held in San Francisco in late January 2010. The 2010 SD&A conference will continue a tradition of presenting and demonstrating the latest technologies relevant to stereoscopic displays and applications. Please consider attending, presenting, or demonstrating at the 2010 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference. We hope to see you there!
Andrew J. Woods
Nicolas S. Holliman
John O. Merritt
Neil A. Dodgson
A few words from John Merritt, founding chair of SD&A: Before 1990, the series of annual conferences on three-dimensional imaging and display technologies were part of the SPIE OE/Lase symposium, held in the Los Angeles area. At the end of the 1989 conference, Woodrow Robbins asked if I would be willing to co-chair the 1990 3D conference, as he was going on sabbatical. I was happy to accept, and worked with SPIE and SPSE (now known as IS&T) to make a few changes to help raise the profile of the conference: first, my 1990 co-chair Scott Fisher and I renamed the conference "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications" to emphasize applications of 3D as well as 3D display technologies; second, we moved the conference to a new venue - in the San Francisco area, the symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, jointly sponsored by SPIE and SPSE; and third, we instituted the popular "demo session" at the end of the conference, so attendees could have hands-on experience with the displays and applications discussed in the paper sessions. At our first demo session in 1990, I remember a long line of people waiting to try out Steve Martin's motorized pan/tilt stereo camera, which was slaved to a head-tracked stereoscopic head-mounted display (HMD). The setup allowed a user to look around the room from a viewpoint 20 feet away, literally an "out of body experience," where they could see themselves in 3D as "another person in the room" wearing the HMD. Since that first demo in 1990, many attendees have had a chance to see prototypes of cutting-edge stereoscopic technologies under development. The past twenty years have been a marvellous experience, a chance to get to know so many colleagues and see our annual gathering become the premiere conference for stereoscopic researchers, developers, students, artists, and 3D enthusiasts. Its lasting success is due in large part to the contributions of Andrew Woods, who first attended SD&A in 1991 as a young student from Curtin University in Perth, Australia. Andrew rose through the ranks from committee member to lead co-chair, created and has tirelessly maintained the SD&A conference website (http://www.stereoscopic.org), instituted the popular "3D Theater" and turned the informal dinner on Monday evening into an SD&A institution: the popular annual banquet at the local BoTown restaurant. Andrew also instituted various discussion panels and keynotes, which were also key factors in the ever-increasing success of the SD&A conference year after year. However, SD&A could have never succeeded for as long as it has without the diligent efforts of all the program committee members, co-chairs, authors, and of course the multitude of participants who have attended sessions year after year. Over these two decades, I have also come to know and cannot thank enough the many people at SPIE and IS&T, who provide superlative conference logistics and special A/V support for our 3D-display needs. Two of our colleagues on this twenty-year journey are no longer with us, and we will always miss their bright enthusiastic presence that enlivened our conferences in the past. We dedicate these Proceedings of SD&A XX to the memory of our fallen friends, Steve Benton (SD&A co-chair 2000-2004) and Lew Stelmach (SD&A committee 2003-2005). As the SD&A conference enters its third decade, I am stepping down as SD&A co-chair, and Neil Dodgson is joining Andrew Woods and Nick Holliman as our new co-chair. In my new role as program committee member, I look forward to watching SD&A continue to grow far into the 21st century on the rising tide of stereoscopic enthusiasm. See you next year at SD&A XXI! John Merritt |