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Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX (2009)
Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 7237
xi |
Conference Committee |
xiii |
Introduction |
7237 02 |
From bench to bedside: stereoscopic imaging in experimental and clinical otology [7237-01]
J. Ilgner, S. Biedron, M. Bovi, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany); E. Fadeeva, Laser Zentrum
Hannover e.V. (Germany); M. Westhofen, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany) |
7237 03 |
Stereoscopic display technologies, interaction paradigms, and rendering approaches for neurosurgical visualization [7237-02]
J. R. Cooperstock, G. Wang, McGill Univ. (Canada) |
7237 04 |
Case study: using a stereoscopic display for mission planning [7237-03]
M. Kleiber, C. Winkelholz, Research Establishment for Applied Science (Germany) |
7237 05 |
3D vision system assessment [7237-04]
J. L. Pezzaniti, R. Edmondson, J. Vaden, B. Hyatt, D. B. Chenault, Polaris Sensor Technologies (United States); D. Kingston, V. Geulen, S. Newell, Concurrent Technologies Corp. (United
States); B. Pettijohn, Army Research Lab. (United States) |
7237 06 |
Autostereoscopic display of large-scale scientific visualization [7237-05]
T. Peterka, R. Ross, Argonne National Lab. (United States); H. Yu, Sandia National Labs. (United States); K.-L. Ma, Univ. of California, Davis (United States); R. Kooima, Univ. of Illinois
at Chicago (United States); J. Girado, Qualcomm Inc. (United States) |
7237 07 |
Spatial-angular analysis of displays for reproduction of light fields [7237-06]
A. Said, Hewlett-Packard Labs. (United States); E.-V. Talvala, Stanford Univ. (United States) |
7237 08 |
Flat panel display with slanted pixel arrangement for 16-view display [7237-07]
Y. Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan); O. Yokoyama, G. Hamagishi,
Seiko Epson Corp. (Japan) |
7237 09 |
High-density light field reproduction using overlaid multiple projection images [7237-08]
M. Yamasaki, H. Sakai, K. Utsugi, T. Koike, Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan) |
7237 0A |
Calibrating camera and projector arrays for immersive 3D display [7237-09]
H. Baker, Hewlett-Packard Labs. (United States); Z. Li, Univ. of California, Berkeley (United States); C. Papadas, Integrated Systems Development S.A. (Greece) |
7237 0B |
Three-dimensional television: a broadcaster's perspective [7237-11]
S. J. E. Jolly, M. Armstrong, R. A. Salmon, British Broadcasting Corp. (United Kingdom) |
7237 0C |
Stereoscopic CG camera rigs and associated metadata for cinematic production [7237-114]
S. Sylwan, Autodesk, Inc. (United States); D. MacDonald, J. Walter, Autodesk Canada Co.
(Canada) |
7237 0D |
A modular projection autostereoscopic system for stereo cinema [7237-67]
V. A. Elkhov, N. V. Kondratiev, Y. N. Ovechkis, L. V. Pautova, NIKFI (Russian Federation) |
7237 0E |
Digital stereoscopic convergence where video games and movies for the home user meet [7237-14]
E. Schur, TDVision Sytems, Inc. (United States) |
7237 0F |
Bolt 3D: a case study [7237-115]
R. Neuman, Walt Disney Animation Studios (United States) |
7237 0H |
Optimizing 3D image quality and performance for stereoscopic gaming [7237-17]
J. Flack, H. Sanderson, S. Pegg, S. Kwok, D. Paterson, Dynamic Digital Depth Research Pty.
Ltd. (Australia) |
7237 0I |
Evaluating methods for controlling depth perception in stereoscopic cinematography [7237-18]
G. Sun, N. Holliman, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom) |
7237 0J |
Publishing stereoscopic images [7237-19]
R. Labbe, Studio 3D (United States); D. E. Klutho, 3D Illustrated (United States) |
7237 0K |
Measuring visual discomfort associated with 3D displays [7237-21]
M. Lambooij, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (Netherlands) and Philips Research Labs. (Netherlands); M. Fortuin, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (Netherlands), Hogeschool Utrecht
(Netherlands), and City Univ. (United Kingdom); W. A. Ijsselsteijn, Eindhoven Univ. of
Technology (Netherlands); I. Heynderickx, Philips Research Labs. (Netherlands) and Delft
Univ. of Technology (Netherlands) |
7237 0L |
Evaluation of stereoscopic 3D displays for image analysis tasks [7237-22]
E. Peinsipp-Byma, N. Rehfeld, R. Eck, Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data
Processing (Germany) |
7237 0M |
Binocular coordination in response to stereoscopic stimuli [7237-23]
S. P. Liversedge, Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom); N. S. Holliman, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom); H. I. Blythe, Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom) |
7237 0N |
The compatibility of LCD TVs with time-sequential stereoscopic 3D visualization [7237-24]
A. J. Woods, A. Sehic, Curtin Univ. of Technology (Australia) |
7237 0O |
Color holographic reconstruction using multiple SLMs and LED illumination [7237-25]
F. Yaraş, L. Onural, Bilkent Univ. (Turkey) |
7237 0P |
Review of wire grid polarizer and retarder for stereoscopic display [7237-26]
S. J. Lee, M. J. Kim, K. H. Lee, K. H. Park, Pavonine Korea, Inc. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 0Q |
Using mental rotation to evaluate the benefits of stereoscopic displays [7237-92]
Y. Aitsiselmi, N. S. Holliman, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom) |
7237 0R |
Stereo display with time-multiplexed focal adjustment [7237-28]
D. M. Hoffman, Univ. of California at Berkeley (United States); P. J. W. Hands, A. K. Kirby,
G. D. Love, Durham Univ. (United Kingdom); M. S. Banks, Univ. of California at Berkeley
(United States) |
7237 0S |
Large real-time holographic displays: from prototypes to a consumer product [7237-29]
R. Häussler, S. Reichelt, N. Leister, E. Zschau, R. Missbach, A. Schwerdtner, SeeReal Technologies GmbH (Germany) |
7237 0T |
High-definition integral floating display with multiple spatial light modulators [7237-30]
J. Kim, K. Hong, J.-H. Jung, G. Park, J. Lim, Y. Kim, J. Hahn, Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of); S.-W. Min, Kyung Hee Univ. (Korea, Republic of); B. Lee, Seoul National Univ.
(Korea, Republic of) |
7237 0U |
OLED backlight for autostereoscopic displays [7237-31]
U. Vogel, L. Kroker, K. Seidl, J. Knobbe, Ch. Grillberger, J. Amelung, M. Scholles, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (Germany) |
7237 0V |
Autostereoscopic projector and display screens [7237-33]
S. Zacharovas, R. Bakanas, E. Kuchin, Geola Digital uab (Lithuania) |
7237 0W |
Effect of light ray overlap between neighboring parallax images in autostereoscopic 3D
displays [7237-34]
R. Fukushima, K. Taira, T. Saishu, Y. Momonoi, M. Kashiwagi, Y. Hirayama, Toshiba Corp.
(Japan) |
7237 0X |
Shutter glasses stereo LCD with a dynamic backlight [7237-35]
J.-C. Liou, K. Lee, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) and National Tsing Hua
Univ. (Taiwan); F.-G. Tseng, National Tsing Hua Univ. (Taiwan); J.-F. Huang, W.-T. Yen,
W.-L. Hsu, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) |
7237 0Z |
A new way to characterize autostereoscopic 3D displays using Fourier optics instrument [7237-37]
P. Boher, T. Leroux, T. Bignon, V. Collomb-Patton, ELDIM (France)
7237 10 |
Effects of sampling on depth control in integral imaging [7237-38]
J. Arai, M. Kawakita, F. Okano, NHK (Japan) |
7237 12 |
Compressed stereoscopic video quality metric [7237-40]
J. Seo, D. Kim, K. Sohn, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 13 |
Coherent spatial and temporal occlusion generation [7237-54]
R. Klein Gunnewiek, R.-P. M. Berretty, Philips Research Eindhoven (Netherlands);
B. Barenbrug, Philips 3D Solutions Eindhoven (Netherlands); J. P. Magalhães, Philips Research
Eindhoven (Netherlands) |
7237 14 |
Stereoscopy in cinematographic synthetic imagery [7237-42]
J. Eisenmann, R. Parent, The Ohio State Univ. (United States) |
7237 15 |
Compressive acquisition of ray-space using radon transform [7237-43]
K. Yamashita, T. Yendo, M. Tanimoto, Nagoya Univ. (Japan); T. Fujii, Tokyo Institute of
Technology (Japan) |
7237 16 |
The effect of 2D/3D environment on decision making confidence in visual perceptual tasks [7237-44]
S. Negry, Tel Aviv Univ. (Israel) and Mantis Vision (Israel); M. First, Mantis Vision (Israel) |
7237 17 |
Experiments on shape perception in stereoscopic displays [7237-45]
L. Leroy, P. Fuchs, A. Paljic, CAOR, Mines ParisTech (France); G. Moreau, Ecole Centrale Nantes (France) |
7237 18 |
Depth and distance perception in a curved large screen virtual reality installation [7237-46]
D. Gadia, Univ. of Milan (Italy); A. Galmonte, Univ. of Verona (Italy); T. Agostini, Univ. of Trieste (Italy); A. Viale, D. Marini, Univ. of Milan (Italy) |
7237 19 |
Depth map quality metric for three-dimensional video [7237-47]
D. Kim, D. Min, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of); J. Oh, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of) and Korean Broadcasting System (Korea, Republic of); S. Jeon, Korean Broadcasting System
(Korea, Republic of); K. Sohn, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 1A |
Three-dimensional TV: a novel method for generating surrogate depth maps using colour information [7237-48]
W. J. Tam, C. Vázquez, F. Speranza, Communications Research Ctr. Canada (Canada) |
7237 1B |
Unsupervised object segmentation for 2D to 3D conversion [7237-49]
M. Kunter, S. Knorr, imcube, Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany); A. Krutz, T. Sikora, Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany) |
7237 1C |
Digital stereoscopic photography using StereoData Maker [7237-50]
J. Toeppen, HoloGraphics (United States); D. Sykes, Consultant (United Kingdom) |
7237 1D |
Stereoscopic contents authoring system for 3D DMB data service [7237-51]
B. Lee, K. Yun, N. Hur, J. Kim, S. Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
(Korea, Republic of) |
7237 1E |
Evaluation of stereoscopic image quality for mobile devices using interpretation based quality methodology [7237-52]
T. Shibata, S. Kurihara, T. Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan); T. Takahashi, T. Shimizu, R. Kawada,
A. Ito, KDDI R&D Labs., Inc. (Japan); J. Häkkinen, Univ. of Helsinki (Finland) and Nokia
Research Ctr. (Finland); J. Takatalo, G. Nyman, Univ. of Helsinki (Finland) |
7237 1F |
Classification and simulation of stereoscopic artifacts in mobile 3DTV content [7237-53]
A. Boev, D. Hollosi, A. Gotchev, K. Egiazarian, Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland) |
7237 1G |
Declipse 2: multi-layer image and depth with transparency made practical [7237-41]
B. Barenbrug, Philips 3D Solutions (Netherlands) |
7237 1H |
Efficient and automatic stereoscopic videos to N views conversion for autostereoscopic displays [7237-55]
D. Alessandrini, R. Balter, S. Pateux, Orange Labs., France Telecom R&D (France) |
7237 1I |
Depth camera for 3DTV applications [7237-84]
J. Kim, T. Kim, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea, Republic of); W.-J. Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); N. Hur, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 1J |
Application of stereoscopic arc photogrammetry to image-guided radiation therapy and treatment planning [7237-57]
C. D. Brack, I. L. Kessel, L. French, J. Clewlow, M. Wolski, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch
(United States) |
7237 1K |
Temporal sub-sampling of depth maps in depth image-based rendering of stereoscopic
image sequences [7237-58]
W. J. Tam, F. Speranza, C. Vázquez, L. Zhang, Communications Research Ctr. Canada (Canada) |
7237 1L |
Indirect ophthalmoscopic stereo video system using three-dimensional LCD [7237-59]
H.-J. Kong, J. M. Seo, J. M. Hwang, H. C. Kim, Seoul National Univ. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 1M |
Stereoscopic camera system with creator-friendly functions [7237-60]
S. Kishi, N. Abe, T. Shibata, T. Kawai, Waseda Univ. (Japan); M. Maeda, K. Hoshi, Flovel Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
7237 1O |
The development of the integrated-screen autostereoscopic display system [7237-62]
W.-L. Hsu, W.-L. Chen, C.-H. Tsai, C.-L. Wang, C.-S. Wu, Y.-C. Chen, S.-C. Cheng, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) |
7237 1P |
A method for evaluating motion sickness induced by watching stereoscopic images on a head-mounted display [7237-63]
H. Takada, Gifu Univ. of Medical Science (Japan); K. Fujikake, Institute for Science of Labour
(Japan); T. Watanabe, Aichi Gakuin Univ. (Japan); S. Hasegawa, Nagoya Bunri Univ.
(Japan); M. Omori, Kobe Women's Univ. (Japan); M. Miyao, Nagoya Univ. (Japan) |
7237 1Q |
Dense light field microscopy [7237-65]
Y.-T. Lim, J.-H. Park, N. Kim, K.-C. Kwon, Chungbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 1R |
A common interface for stereo viewing in various environments [7237-66]
O. Pariser, R. G. Deen, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States) |
7237 1S |
Resizing of stereoscopic images for display adaptation [7237-71]
W.-J. Kim, S.-D. Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); J. Kim, N. Hur, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea,
Republic of) |
7237 1T |
Super multi-view display with 128 viewpoints and viewpoint formation [7237-72]
Y. Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) |
7237 1U |
A novel 2D-to-3D conversion technique based on relative height-depth cue [7237-73]
Y. J. Jung, A. Baik, J. Kim, D. Park, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (Korea,
Republic of) |
7237 1V |
3D and 2D switchable display [7237-74]
M. Nagashima, Consultant (Japan) |
7237 1W |
SOLIDFELIX: a transportable 3D static volume display [7237-75]
K. Langhans, A. Kreft, H. T. Wörden, Vincent-Luebeck-High-School (Germany) |
7237 1X |
High speed large viewing angle shutters for triple-flash active glasses [7237-77]
B. Caillaud, B. Bellini, J. L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye, TELECOM Bretagne (France) |
7237 1Y |
Spatial-coding-based 2D/3D/P-P display [7237-78]
H. Yamamoto, S. Suyama, The Univ. of Tokushima (Japan) |
7237 1Z |
A wavelet-based quadtree driven stereo image coding [7237-79]
R. Bensalma, M.-C. Larabi, XLIM Lab., CNRS, Univ. of Poitiers (France) |
7237 20 |
All in focus plane reconstruction based on integral imaging [7237-82]
G. Baasantseren, J.-H. Park, N. Kim, Chungbuk National Univ. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 21 |
Hybrid depth cueing for 2D-to-3D conversion system [7237-85]
C.-C. Cheng, C.-T. Li, Y.-M. Tsai, L.-G. Chen, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan) |
7237 22 |
Optically multilayered light field display for enhancing depth of field [7237-86]
T. Wada, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan); T. Koike, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan) and Hitachi, Ltd.
(Japan); T. Naemura, The Univ. of Tokyo (Japan) |
7237 23 |
Real-time rendering for integral photography that uses extended fractional view [7237-87]
K. Yanaka, Kanagawa Institute of Technology (Japan) |
7237 24 |
High-speed liquid-crystal optical deflector for 3D display [7237-88]
S. Wakita, Y. Sumitomo, Y. Kobayashi, The Univ. of Tokushima (Japan) |
7237 25 |
The variance estimation and enhanced 3D sensing of heavily occluded objects using synthetic aperture integral imaging (SAII) [7237-89]
Y. S. Hwang, E.-S. Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of) |
7237 26 |
Improving image quality of coarse integral volumetric display [7237-90]
H. Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) |
Author Index |
The papers included in this volume were part of the technical conference cited on the cover and title
page. Papers were selected and subject to review by the editors and conference program committee.
Some conference presentations may not be available for publication. The papers published in these
proceedings reflect the work and thoughts of the authors and are published herein as submitted. The
publishers are not responsible for the validity of the information or for any outcomes resulting from
reliance thereon.
Please use the following format to cite material from this book:
Author(s), "Title of Paper," in Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX, edited by Andrew J. Woods,
Nicolas S. Holliman, John O. Merritt, Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 7237, Article
CID Number (2009).
ISSN 0277-786X
ISBN 9780819474872
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