Photo Album of the
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XI (2000) Conference
The Dinner
This year we again organised an informal dinner to allow authors and attendees to socialise in a more relaxed atmosphere. We sampled the delicacies of the Bo Town Chinese Restaurant in downtown San Jose.
Pictured (clockwise around the table from front left) are:
Steve Berezin (Berezin Stereo Photography Products),
Paul Kleinberger (3ality, Israel),
John Roberts (NIST),
David Drascic, (University of Toronto),
Toshiki Gunji, (Ibaraki University, Japan),
Boris Starosta (Dynamic Symmetry),
Shojiro Nagata (Japan 3D Forum/Intervision, Japan) (conference committee),
John Toeppen (Holographics),
Lenny Lipton (StereoGraphics).
Pictured (from left) are:
Steve Aubrey (Aubrey Imaging)
John Merritt (The Merritt Group) (conference co-chair)
Janusz Konrad (INRS Telecommunications, Canada) (conference committee) (standing)
Phil Harman (Dynamic Digital Depth, Australia)
Sam Zhou (IMAX, Canada) (standing)
Luis Perez Bayas (University Geneva, Switzerland)
Raj Nagappan (Australian National University, Australia) (standing)
Duncan Stevenson (CSIRO, Australia)
Francis Bogsanyi (Australian National University, Australia)
Andrew Woods (Curtin University) (conference co-chair) (standing)
Don Bone (CSIRO, Australia)
Vivian Walworth (Rowland Institute for Science) (conference committee).
Pictured (from left to right) are:
David Mark (Mark Resources) (standing)
James Tam (Communications Research Center, Canada) (standing)