SD&A 2011
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Photo Album of the
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII (2011) Conference

The Conference

The 2011 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications was another outstanding event. The photos on this page illustrate some of the various events and happenings at the conference.


This year's conference had two keynote presentations.

The first Keynote Presentation was given by Dr. Michael Robinson, Chief Scientist at RealD. He gave an excellent summary of the current state of stereoscopic 3D, in both cinema and television.

Robinson keynote
[K1A] Dr Robinson presents a timeline of 3D development
[K1B] taking questions at the end of the talk

keynote keynote
[K1C] more questions
[K1D] the keynote speaker with the SD&A conference chairs: Neil Dodgson, Mike Robinson, Andrew Woods, Nic Holliman

The second Keynote Presentation was given by Prof. Ramesh Raskar (MIT Media Lab). He inspired the audience with his talk of 4D, 5D, 6D and 8D displays.

Raskar keynote Raskar keynote
[K2A] and [K2B] Professor Raskar in the midst of his presentation

[K2C] Andrew Woods, Ramesh Raskar, Neil Dodgson and John Merritt.

Both keynote presentations are available for online viewing: (1) Robinson, and (2) Raskar.

Technical Presentations

The technical presentations form the backbone of the SD&A conference and there was again a wealth of interesting topics to experience this year. Here are some of the technical authors in action:

Technical Presentations
[TP1] Panorama of one of the talks

Technical Presentations Technical Presentations
[TP2] and [TP3] technical presentations

Technical Presentations Technical Presentations
[TP4] and [TP5] Bernard Mendiburu presents the paper on the Dynamic Floating Window by Brian Gardner

Technical Presentations Technical Presentations
[TP6] the attentive audience, and [TP7] Perry Hoberman asks a question

Technical Presentations
[TP8] the parrot!

Discussion Forums

Two discussions were held at this year's conference.

The first discussion forum considered 3DTV dangers: truth or fiction. Lenny Lipton chaired a panel of experts: Marty Banks (UC Berkeley), Eli Peli (Harvard University), Christopher Riemann (Cincinnati Eye Institute), and Peter Ludé (Sony Electronics).

Discussion Forums
[F1A] The panel: Peter Ludé, Christopher Riemann, Marty Banks, Eli Peli, and Lenny Lipton.

Discussion Forums
[F1B] The panel in discussion

Discussion Forums
[F1C] The panel and audience

An online video of this panel discussion is available here.

The second discussion forum considered screen size factors. The panel comprised Bernard Mendiburu (Chair), David Broberg (CableLabs), John Merrit (The Merritt Group), Jukka Häkkinen (Aalto University) and Frédéric Devernay (INRIA).

Discussion Forums
[F2A] The panel: Frédéric Devernay, John Merritt, David Broberg, Jukka Häkkinen, Bernard Mendiburu

Discussion Forums
[F2B] The panel in discussion.

3D Cameras Everywhere

3D cameras are becoming a very common sight amongst the SD&A attendees.

3D cameras 3D cameras 3D cameras
[C1] Vivian Walworth with the brand-new JVC GS-TD1 3D HD camcorder
[C2] an audience member with a Fujifilm W3 3D digital still camera
[C3] John Toeppen with a side-by-side 3D rig

3D cameras 3D cameras 3D cameras
[C4] David Cook with a base extender for the Fuji W3 and Michael Brauss with a Viewsonic 3D camera and a side-by-side 3D rig.
[C5] Eric Kurland with the 3D camera rig that he used to film the OK Go 3D music video "White Knuckles"
[C6] Not a 3D camera, but Gregg Favalora found this 3D themed phone cover at a local market.


people people
[P1] many of the SD&A 2011 committee members: Andrew Woods, Samuel Zhou, John Merritt, Mike Weissman, Hideki Kakeya, Takashi Kawai, Neil Dodgson, Nic Holliman.
[P2] Justus Ilgner and Nathalie Klimberg-Faudeux

people people
[P3] Some enthusiastic members of KAIST
[P4] EI Symposium chairs Majid Rabbani and Sabine E. Süsstrunk with SD&A co-chair Andrew Woods

people people
[P5] Takashi Kawai, Satoshi Toyosawa, Takashi Shibata, ???? – all from Waseda University.
[P6] Bernard Mendiburu, Bertrand Caillaud, and Sebastien Jacquier – all from Volfoni.

people people
[P7] Irwin Sobel, Quinn Smithwick, Ramesh Raskar
[P8] Bernard Mendiburu, Justus Ilgner and Perry Hoberman – is this really going to be in 3D?

people people
[P9] Ethan Schur – more worried about the parrot than the screen size factor.
[P10] Neil Dodgson and Nic Holliman

people people
[P11] Stephan Keith
[P12] Julien Flack, Jukka Häkkinen and Takashi Kawai


A selection of prizes were offered at the conference.

Three "Best of Show" prizes for pieces entered into the Competition Category of the 3D Theatre session.

Best of Show – Live Action: "White Knuckles 3D" by OK Go (United States)
Best of Show – Computer Graphics: "Fractal Odyssey" by John Hart and Jerry Oldaker (United States)
Best of Show – Visual Effects: "Dead Boring" by Dave Edwardz, AFTRS (Australia)

prizes prizes
[PR1] Eric Kurland receives the prize for the stereography on OK Go's White Knuckles
[PR2] A prize was awarded for the best demonstration at the session. The judging panel was chaired by Prof. Neil Dodgson. The prize was awarded to HumanEyes, with honorable mentions to York University and the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.

A final prize was offered for the best use of the stereoscopic projection tools during the technical presentations. The winner was: Christopher Riemann (Cincinnati Eye Institute & MedNet Technologies), "Machine vision and vitrectomy: three-dimensional high definition video for surgical visualization in vitreoretinal surgery."

3D Theatre

This year's 3D Theatre session was our biggest yet.

3D Theatre
[TH1] The eager audience just before the 3D Theatre session started.

The full list of content show during the 3D Theatre session is available here.

3D Theatre 3D Theatre
[TH2] Andrew Woods introduces the 3D Theatre session.
[TH3] An artistic pile of returned 3D glasses after the show.


The use of high-quality stereoscopic projection equipment is a regular and important feature at the conference for the presentation of large screen 3D footage.

[E1] The stereoscopic projection setup in the SD&A conference room

At this year's conference we had a Christie Digital 'HD6K' projector (1920x1080 resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio, 3 chip DLP) (provided by Christie Digital) projecting onto a 16x9 foot silvered screen (provided by STRONG / MDI Screen Systems, and provisioned by Brad Nelson, Visitech 3D) outputting polarized 3D using a DepthQ polarization modulator (provided by DepthQ Stereoscopic).

equip equip equip
[E2] Wayne Bickley (Christie Digital) adjusts the projection system
[E3] Chris Ward and Dan Lawrence (DepthQ) configure the playback system in their 'bat cave' underneath the projection system.
[E4] Brad Nelson and David Mark setup the silvered screen

Short Course

John Merritt and Andrew Woods teach a popular one-day short course on Stereoscopic Display Application Issues .

course course
[SC1] and [SC2] John Merritt teaching the course.

Poster Session

A large selection of poster papers were on show at this year's conference in parallel with the demonstration session.

poster session poster session
[PO1] Almont Green with his poster and lenticular 3D print.
[PO2] Didier Doyen with the two posters from Technicolor.

poster session poster session
[PO3] Ying Chen from Qualcomm with her poster.
[PO4] Attendees review the poster from Samsung.

poster session
[PO5] David Broberg with his poster.

Electronic Imaging Reception

The Electronic Imaging All-Conference Reception is always a good opportunity to mingle and chat with new acquaintances and good friends.

[R1] A panorama of the EI Reception. The two 3D game systems are visible on the right of image.

reception reception
[R2] and [R3] a relaxed atmosphere and lots to talk about.

reception reception
[R4] and [R5] two Playstation 3 3D gaming systems were setup in the reception thanks to the assistance of Rod Sterling and Steve Inoue from JVC and Stephan Keith.

[R6] a pair of the new JVC DLA-RS40 LCoS Full-HD 3D projector were used to project the 3D game images onto two large silvered screens.

See also:
  - The Demonstration Session

Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference

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Maintained by: Andrew Woods
Revised: 24 October, 2011.