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Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV (1997)

Combined Proceedings of the two conferences:
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VIII and The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality IV


ixConference Committees
xi Introduction

Part AStereoscopic Displays and Applications VIII

SESSION 1Human Factors and Evaluation of Stereoscopic Displays
4 How hyperstereopsis can improve the accuracy of spatial perception: an experimental approach,
D. E. Sipes, Johns Hopkins Univ.; V. G. CuQlock- Knopp, Army Research Lab.; W. Torgerson, Johns Hopkins Univ.; J. O. Merritt, Interactive Technologies
7 Comparison of a new glasses-free three-dimensional screen, a passive-glasses three-dimensional screen, and a two-dimensional imaging system for use in laparoscopic surgery,
P. Salimpour, C. A. Kim, W. LaMorte, Boston Univ. Medical Ctr.; D. H. Birkett, Lahey Hitchcock Clinic; R. K. Babayan, Boston Univ. Medical Ctr.
16 Autostereoscopic display for radiotherapy planning,
R. J. Hubbold, D. J. Hancock, Univ. of Manchester (UK); C. J. Moore, Christie Hospital (UK)
28 Stereoscopic display using multimedia and deep sense test,
J. Wang, Z. Zhang, P. Jia, Z. Ye, Tsinghua Univ. (China)
36 Stereoscopic layout of a perspective flight guidance display,
M. Hammer, S. K. MŸcke, U. Mayer, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (FRG)
48 Evaluation of an autostereoscopic display for telerobotic operations, B. Lee, Oceaneering Space Systems;
M. E. Katafiaz, Dimension Technologies Inc.
59 Printed circuit board visual inspection performance: a comparative analysis of mono- and stereovision macroscopic views,
S. F. Wiker, K. Stewart, T. Meyers, P. Spielholz, Univ. of Washington
SESSION 2Stereoscopic Camera Systems
72 Time-multiplexed autostereoscopic camera system,
N. A. Dodgson, J. R. Moore, S. R. Lang, Univ. of Cambridge (UK)
84 Stereoscopic camera system for live action and sports productions,
C. Adkins, 3DP Multidimensional Media
92 Development of a compact underwater stereoscopic video camera,
A. J. Woods, J. Penrose, Curtin Univ. of Technology (Australia); D. Clark, Tritech Consultants (Australia)
96 Sliding aperture multiview 3D camera-projector system and its application for 3D image transmission and IR to visible conversion,
J.-Y. Son, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (Korea); S. A. Shestak, Research and Development Institute of Radiooptics (Russia); V. G. Komar, Cinema and Photo Research Institute (Russia)
SESSION 3Stereoscopic Image Generation
108 Conversion system of monocular image sequences to stereo using motion parallax,
Y. Matsumoto, H. Terasaki, K. Sugimoto, T. Arakawa, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan)
116 Shape initialization of 3D objects in videoconference scenes,
T. B. Riegel, Siemens AG (FRG); E. Chappuis, EURECOM (Switzerland)
125 Parallax engine: a display generation architecture for motion parallax and stereoscopic display effects,
R. M. Broemmelsiek, Spin Logic
135 Stereoscopic 3D graphics generation,
Z. Li, J. Liu, National University of Defence Technology (China); Y. Zan, BACC (China).
SESSION 4Autostereoscopic Displays
140 Stereoscopic projection display using curved directional reflection screen,
T. Ohshima, O. Komoda, Y. Kaneko, A. Arimoto, Hitachi Central Research Lab. (Japan)
145 Retroreflective screens and their application to autostereoscopic displays,
P. V. Harman, Xenotech Research Pty. Ltd. (Australia)
154 Hologram-like video images by 45-view stereoscopic display,
Y. Kajiki, Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan; H. Yoshikawa, Nihon Univ. and Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan; T. Honda, Chiba Univ. and Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
167 Developments in autostereoscopic displays using holographic optical elements,
D. J. Trayner, E. Orr, Richmond Holographic Studios Ltd. (UK)
175 Three-dimensional image technique with a grating plate on high-resolution CRT,
T. Shiroishi, T. Nakagawa, S. Nakata, K. Nishimura, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. (Japan)
179 Characterization and optimization of 3D-LCD module design,
C. van Berkel, J. A. Clarke, Philips Research Labs. (UK)
187 Observer tracking autostereoscopic 3D display systems,
D. Ezra, G. J. Woodgate, N. S. Holliman, R. R. Moseley, J. Harrold, G. R. Jones, Sharp Labs. of Europe Ltd. (UK)
199 Research of 3D display using anamorphic optics, K. Matsumoto, Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan;
T. Honda, Chiba Univ. and Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
208 Development of 3DTV: an autostereoscopic video display (Invited Paper),
S. P. Hines, HinesLab. Inc.
SESSION 5Stereoscopic Image Formats and Compression Methods
222 Compression of full-parallax integral 3D TV image data,
M. C. Forman, A. Aggoun, De Montfort Univ. (UK)
227 Compression and interpolation of 3D stereoscopic and multiview video,
M. W. Siegel, S. Sethuraman, Carnegie Mellon Univ.; J. S. McVeigh, Intel Corp.; A. G. Jordan, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
239 Stereovision formats for video and computer graphics,
L. Lipton, StereoGraphics Corp.
SESSION 6New Developments in Stereoscopic Displays
246 Full-color 3D prints and transparencies (Invited Paper),
J. J. Scarpetti, R. M. Friedhoff, P. M. DuBois, V. K. Walworth, Rowland Institute For Science
252 New color anaglyph method,
T. Hattori, Nagoya Univ. School of Medicine and Terumo Corp. (Japan); E. Arita, T. Nakamura, M. Kurio, S. Sakuma, Terumo Corp. (Japan)
256 Focus distance controlled 3D television,
N. Yanagisawa, M. Kidachi, Toyo Univ. (Japan)
262 Emitting diagram control method for solid objects 3D display,
J.-Y. Son, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (Korea); S. A. Shestak, Research and Development Institute of Radiooptics (Russia); K.-T. Kim, Han Nam Univ. (Korea)
SESSION 7Applications of Stereoscopic Displays
274 Lightweight, compact 2D/3D autostereoscopic LCD backlight for games, monitor, and notebook applications,
J. Eichenlaub, Dimension Technologies Inc.
282 Real-depth imaging: a new 3D imaging technology with inexpensive direct-view (no glasses) video and other applications,
E. Dolgoff, Floating Images, Inc.
289 Role of stereoscopic imaging in the astronomical study of nearby stars and planetary systems,
D. S. Mark, Space Age Design Engineering
297 Two stereoscopic experiments: a 3D moviemap and a 3D panorama (Invited Paper),
M. Naimark, Interval Research
SESSION 8Poster Presentations
308 Task-dependent use of binocular disparity and motion parallax information within telepresence and quasi-natural environments,
A. Parton, M. Bradshaw, J. R. Pretlove, B. De Bruyn, I. R. Davies, Univ. of Surrey (UK)
319 Effects of image resolution on depth perception in stereo and nonstereo images,
K. Jaeae-Aro, L. Kjelldahl, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
327 Stereo panoptic 360o camera,
M. J. Dusariez, KAPWA Foundation (Belgium)
330 Ray space representation for 3D image processing,
T. Fujii, T. Kimoto, M. Tanimoto, Nagoya Univ. (Japan)
337 Spatial light modulator based three-dimensional multiplanar display,
M. A. Neil, E. G. Paige, L. O. Sucharov, Univ. of Oxford (UK)
342 Usefulness of observer-controlled camera angle in telepresence systems depends on the nature of the task: passive perceptual judgments compared to perceptual-motor performance,
J. W. Huber, Roehampton Institute (UK); I. R. Davies, Univ. of Surrey (UK)
353 Directional display,
H. Lennerstad, Univ. of Karlskrona/Ronneby (Sweden)

Part BThe Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality IV

SESSION 9Creation and Evaluation of Virtual Environments
362 MARTI: man-machine animation real-time interface,
C. M. Jones, S. S. Dlay, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)
374 Realistic image generation using model-driven processing in an interactive system,
T. Miyagi, A. Hori, H. Sugama, Y. Murao, Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan); H. Enomoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
389 ROSE: the road simulation environment,
P. Mitronikas, P. Liatsis, Univ. of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UK)
400 Body sway induced by 3D images,
M. Hoshino, M. Takahashi, Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. (Japan); M. Ohmi, T. Yoshizawa, Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan)
408 Evaluating an immersive virtual environment prototyping and simulation system,
K. Nemire, Interface Technologies Corp.
SESSION 10Immersive Displays
418 Compact and wide-field-of-view binocular head-mounted display,
S. Uchiyama, H. Kamakura, J. Karasawa, Y. Itoh, M. Sakaguchi, T. Furihata, N. Okamoto, Seiko Epson Corp. (Japan)
429 Virtual model displays (VMD),
M. T. Bolas, Fakespace Inc.
439 Next generation of 3D-desktop computer interface,
R. Skerjanc, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut for Nachrichtentechnik GmbH (FRG)
448 Controlling graphic objects naturally: use your head,
R. A. Browse, J. C. Rodger, Queen's Univ. (Canada); I. Sewell, Newbridge Networks Corp. (Canada)
454 Let's move on the integration of motion rendering in VR,
U. Jakob, E. Douloumi, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (FRG)
SESSION 11Augmented Reality/Medical Applications
462 Using opera lighting to fuse video images with geometric models in virtual environments for Mars rover control,
G. Thomas, University of Iowa; T. Blackmon, University of California/Berkeley; M. Sims, D. Rassmussen, NASA Ames Research Ctr.
472 Augmented reality using range images,
C. Schutz, H. Hugli, Univ. of Neuchatel (Switzerland)
479 Haptic display for the VR arthroscopic training simulator,
R. Ziegler, C. Brandt, C. Kunstmann, Technische Univ. Darmstadt (FRG)
487 VERS: a virtual environment for reconstructive surgery planning,
K. N. Montgomery, Sterling Software, Inc.
SESSION 12Viewpoints on VR
494 Mediated presence: context and sense-ability in digital worlds,
S. S. Fisher, Telepresence Research, Inc.
498 Circulating images of virtual systems: trodes, gloves, and goggles in scientific and popular cultures (Invited Paper),
M. Ito, S. S. Fisher, Telepresence Research, Inc.

505Author Index

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Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference

Maintained by: Andrew Woods
Revised: May 8, 1997.