The 2012 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications was another successful conference. The photos on this page illustrate some of the various events and happenings at the conference.

[E1] The SD&A conference room during one of the plenary talks.
This year's conference had two keynote presentations.
The first Keynote Presentation was given by Masayuki Kozuka, General Manager of Media & Content Alliance Office of Corporate R&D sector at Panasonic Corporation. He presentation provided a useful overview of Panasonic's Stereoscopic 3D Technologies, Standardization and Business Strategy.

[K1A] Masayuki Kozuka during his presentation.
[K1B] Keynote speaker and the SD&A conference chairs: (L-R) Andrew Woods, Gregg Favalora, Masayuki Kozuka and Nick Holliman.
The second keynote presentation was given by Peter Bradshaw and Debargha Mukherjee, from the YouTube division of Google. Their presentation about the past, present, and future of YouTube3D was of high interest to all SD&A attendees.

[K2A] panorama of the SD&A room during the second Keynote talk with Debargha Mukherjee on stage.
[K2C] Debargha Mukherjee on stage during the talk
[K2B] question time - (L-R) Peter Bradshaw, Debargha Mukherjee and Andrew Woods.
Both keynote presentations are available for online viewing: (1) Kozuka, and (2) Bradshaw and Mukherjee.
Technical Presentations
The technical presentations form the backbone of the SD&A conference. Here are some moments from the technical sessions:

[T1] The main SD&A room

[T2] Lenny Lipton explains the optical configuration of his new 3D cinema lens.
[T3] Ian Bickerstaff during his presentation.

[T4] The parallel SD&A presentation room.
[T5] Hosik Sohn presents paper 8288-24.
[T6] Sunil Jain during his presentation.

[T7] Ray Zone during his presentation.
[T8] Marty Banks asks a question during question time.
Discussion Forums
This year's discussion forum explored the topic "3D Moving Images: Will they become ubiquitous?" The panel moderator was Lenny Lipton, and panel members: Bob Whitehill, Pixar Animation Studios; Ray Zone, The 3D Zone; Art Berman, Insight Media; and Jon Peddie, Jon Peddie Research.

[D1] The panellists: (L-R) Jon Peddie, Bob Whitehill, Art Berman, Ray Zone, Lenny Lipton.

[D2] Bob Whitehill makes an important point.
[D3] Lenny Lipton poses a question to the panel. This discussion forum was recorded and is planned to be made available online - stay tuned!
3D Cameras Everywhere
3D cameras are becoming a very common sight amongst the SD&A attendees.
[C1] Justus Ilgner with the JVC GS-TD1 3D HD camcorder.
[C2] Michael Brauss with a Sony 3D camera pair and John Merritt with a Fujifilm W3.
[C3] Henry Dietz with a Sony camera and custom 3D lens during the 3DIP conference.
[C4] Luis Perez-Bayas with a custom 3D video rig.
[C5] Lenny Lipton and Yoshihiro Misho with the new Panasonic Z10000 professional 3D camcorder.
[C6] Luis Perez-Bayas with a Sony HXR-NX3D1 and Eric Kurland with a Fujifilm W3.
[C4] Panasonic's Yoshihiro Misho with the new Panasonic Z10000.
[C5] Luis Perez-Bayas with a Sony HXR-NX3D1, Andrew Woods with a Sony HDR-TD10 and Justus Ilgner with a JVC GS-TD1.
[C6] Peter Bradshaw with a HTC EVO 3D smart phone.
[PP1] (L-R) Jason Goodman, Lenny Lipton, Masayuki Kozuka, and Andrew Woods.
[PP2] (L-R) Kasimir Lehto and Takashi Kawai.
[PP3] (L-R) Stephen Keith, Jesper Osterman, Chris Ward.
[PP4] (L-R) Julien Flack and Luis Perez-Bayas during one of the coffee breaks.
[PP5] The SD&A 2011 program committee and chairs: (L-R) Nick Holliman, Takashi Kawai, John Stern, Andrew Woods, Gregg Favalora, John Merritt, Vivian Walworth, Neil Dodgson, Hideki Kakeya, Mike Weissman, Chris Ward.
[PP6] (L-R) Ray Zone, Christopher Tyler, Mike Weissman, and Lenny Lipton.
[PP7] Nick Holliman - tweeting SD&A news to the world.
[PP8] Eun Soo Kim and Andrew Woods.
[PP9] Much discussion takes place at the conference in the halls - even during the sessions.
A selection of prizes were awarded at the conference.
[PR1] The "Best of Show" prize for the Competition Category of the 3D Theatre session went to "All Is Not Lost" by OK Go and Pilobolus (USA) and was accepted by Eric Kurland, the stereographer on the video.
[PR2] The prize for the best use of the stereoscopic projection tools during the technical presentations was Ian Bickerstaff, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd. (UK) for "Case study: the introduction of stereoscopic games on the Sony PlayStation 3".
[PR3] The prize for the best demonstration at the SD&A demonstration session was awarded to Hirotsugu Yamamoto, Hiroki Bando, and Shiro Suyama, of the University of Tokushima, for "Design of cross-mirror array to form floating 3D LED signs."
3D Theatre
This year's 3D Theatre session was again exceedingly popular.

[TH1] [TH2] 3D Theatre session audience - before the room filled to overflowing.

[TH3] (L-R) Anna Kan and Jhonathan Florez.
[TH4] 3D Theatre session judges Percy Fung and Bernard Mendiburu make the hard decisions.
The use of high-quality stereoscopic projection equipment is a regular and important feature at the SD&A conference. This year we had a Christie Digital Mirage HD10K-M projector (1920x1080 resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio, 3 chip DLP, 10,000 ANSI lumens, provided by Christie Digital) projecting onto a 4.9 x 2.7 meter silvered screen (provided by STRONG / MDI Screen Systems and setup by Visitech 3D), outputting frame-sequential circularly-polarized 3D (at 120Hz) by way of a DepthQ active polarization modulator (provided by DepthQ Stereoscopic). The system was driven by a DepthQ stereoscopic media server for playback of all of the stereoscopic video content shown during the 3D Theatre. Blu-ray 3D playback was performed from a PlayStation 3 console (provided by Fakespace Labs). Many thanks also to the individuals who worked tirelessly on-site: Chris Ward from DepthQ Stereoscopic; Wayne Bickley from Christie Digital; Brad Nelson from Visitech 3D; Ian McDowall from Fakespace Labs; and Adrian Romero and staff from Spectrum Audio Visual. The AV setup was project coordinated by Stephan R. Keith, Diana Gonzalez from IS&T, and Andrew Woods.

[E1] Brad Nelson clips the 3D screen.
[E2] Stephan Keith, John Miller, and John Stern mount the 3D screen.

[E3] Wayne Bickley configures the Christie Digital 3D projector and DepthQ polarization modulator.
[E4] A tonne of equipment providing source material for our 3D AV requirements.

[E5] (L-R) Wayne Bickley, Chris Ward and John Stern previewing 3D content for the following night's 3D Theatre session.
[E6] This year we had a 3D preview system setup in the back of the room. (L-R) Chris Ward, Janusz Konrad.
Short Course
John Merritt and Andrew Woods teach a popular one-day short course on Stereoscopic Display Application Issues.

[SC1] and [SC2] John Merritt and Andrew Woods teaching the course.
Poster Session
A large selection of poster papers were on show at this year's conference in parallel with the demonstration session.

[P1] The very full poster session.
[P2] Yong Seok Hwang with poster [8288-67]

[P3] more attendees in discussion
[P4] Wei Chen with poster [8288-59]

[P5] Jérémie Gerhardt with poster [8288-66]
[P6] Laurent Blonde with poster [8288-54]
Electronic Imaging Reception
The Electronic Imaging All-Conference Reception is always a good opportunity to mingle and chat with new acquaintances and good friends.
[R1] (L-R) Hideki Kakeya, Hironobu Gotoda, Hirotsugu Yamamoto
[R2] (L-R) Jason Goodman, Peter Wimmer, ???, Ian Bickerstaff, Eric Kurland
[R3] (L-R) Yohann Pitrey, Roger Olsson, Kjell Brunnström, and Sylvain Tourancheau
[R4] (L-R) Justus Ilgner, Mike Weissman, Andrew Woods
[R5] Two large screen JVC 3D projection systems were setup driven by two Sony PlayStation 3 consoles (kindly sponsored by JVC Professional and Sony Computer Entertainment). Front: (L-R) Bernice Rogowitz and Gaurav Sharma
[R6] attendees enjoy the 3D games on the large projection screens
[R7] The 3D game on show was Motorstorm Pacific Rift running on the Sony PlayStation 3 console
Lunch Time Discussion Round Table
An informal discussion of various stereoscopic topics was held each day over lunch. The topic for each day was announced during the conference. This year the round table was once again organised by Vivian Walworth.
[RT1] (L-R) Vivian Walworth and Ray Zone
[RT2] Participants day 1
[RT3] Participants day 2
[RT4] Participants day 2
All photographs © 2012 John Merritt, Gregg Favalora, Stephan Keith, Andrew Woods, Oli Laperal Jr., John Stern, Chris Ward, and Ray Zone as noted.
See also:
- The Demonstration Session Photos
- The SD&A Dinner Photos