2006 Proceedings


2006 Photos

Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII (2006)
Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 6055
Welcome to Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII, Proceedings of
Electronic Imaging Vol. 6055. These proceedings combine in one volume the
papers from two separate but complementary conferences: Stereoscopic
Displays and Applications XVII and The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2006.
These conferences were two of the 25 conferences that composed the 2006
IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology Symposium, held at the
San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, in January 2006.
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications
This year's Stereoscopic Displays and Applications (SD&A) conference, the 17th in
the series and held during the three-day period 16-18 January, featured a broad
range of topics, presentations, and events.
The first day of the SD&A conference hosted four technical sessions: Applications
of Stereoscopy, Medical Applications of Stereoscopy, Stereoscopic Human
Factors, and Stereoscopic Projection and Stereoscopic Cinema. The technical
sessions form the backbone of the conference and their content is detailed in the
papers contained in this Proceedings volume.
The final formal session of the first day was the 3D Theatre Session, chaired by
Andrew Woods and Chris Ward. The purpose of this regular event is to showcase
examples of how 3D video is being used and produced around the world. This
year the following 3D videos (or segments thereof) were screened on the
conference's high-quality polarized stereoscopic rear-projection systems:
- "Space News in 3D" by Enxebre Systems (Spain)
- "Cosmic Cookery" by University of Durham (UK)
- "Desarrollo Sostenible (Sustainable Development)" by Centro Politecnico
Superior, University of Zaragoza (Spain)
- "Battle for Treasure Castle" by 3D Experience (UK)
- "Underwater 3D" by Curtin University of Technology (Australia) and
Welaptega Marine (Canada)
- "daVinci robot test target manipulation" by Intuitive Surgical
- "Up Denali 3D (teaser)" by Tree-D films
- "Misadventures in 3D" by nWave (Belgium)
- "Santa vs. the Snowman" by O Entertainment
- "Paratech rescue equipment corporate film" by Lightspeed Design Group
- "Kings City, Eilat Israel Preshow" by Lightspeed Design Group
- "Transitions" by NFB Canada
- "Falling In Love Again" by NFB Canada
- "PB Heading for the Future" by Parsons Brinkerhoff
- "Livin' LG" by 21st Century 3D
- "The Gates 3D" by 21st Century 3D
- "Pump-Action" by Phil McNally / Captain 3D
- "Monk Seals" by Arquimedes (Spain)
- "Wasol Demo" by Wasol (South Korea)
- "SimEx-Iwerks ‘Super 3-D' Demo Reel" by Simex / Iwerks
- "The World Herritage 'Shiretoko' and other samples" by NHK Technical Services
The 3D videos were all played back either from a DepthQ stereoscopic media
server or from a field-sequential DVD through a field-sequential 3D demultiplexer.
The source resolution of the material ranged from field-sequential NTSC up to
dual-channel 1920×1080i.
The evening concluded with a very enjoyable meal at the BoTown Chinese
Restaurant in downtown San Jose. It was a good chance for nearly 70
conference attendees to mingle and talk in a relaxed atmosphere.
The second day of the SD&A conference hosted four technical sessions on the
following topics: Stereoscopic Image Processing, Stereoscopic Rendering, and
Autostereoscopic Displays (double session). Again, the papers from these
technical sessions are contained in this Proceedings volume.
The final event of the day was the ever-popular Demonstration Session - this
year expanded as an event for the entire Electronic Imaging Symposium. It was
pleasing to see such a wide variety of stereoscopic imaging systems on display
and an even larger audience actively engaging with the various displays. This
annual session is the perfect chance for attendees and visitors to obtain handson
and eyes-on experience with the latest in stereoscopic displays and imaging
This year the following items were on display at the demonstration session::
- Mike Weissman and Tom Riederer from Micro Vision Systems demonstrated
"TrueVision", a real-time, HD (1280×1024×2 @ 30p), 3D video camera system for
stereomicroscopes. Live micro-stereoscopic video was displayed on a Planar
stereoscopic display.
- Siemens Display Technologies presented the SXD3 1899 1MP 18.1" multiview
autostereoscopic color flat panel display.
- Professor Eun-Soo KIM provided information about the 3DRC (3D Display
Research Center) at Kwangwoon University, South Korea.
- Craig Crawford from 3-D ImageTek Corp demonstrated a range of their
stereoscopic video products including a "genlock-free" 3D multiplexer, 3D
demultiplexer, and 3D scan doubler.
- Chris Ward from Lightspeed Design Group demonstrated the Infocus DepthQ
stereoscopic video projector showing stereoscopic video played using the
DepthQ stereoscopic media server software.
- David Chenault from Polaris Sensor Technologies demonstrated their 10.4", full
frame rate, full spatial resolution, passively polarized flat-panel stereoscopic
LCD monitor.
- John Miller from Dep3D demonstrated a variety of stereoscopic PC games
and stereoscopic video on their 40" dual rear-projection circularly polarized
stereoscopic display.
- Jason Goodman from 21st Century 3D (New York) demonstrated the "3DVX3"
high-definition stereoscopic video camera and showed 3D video on a Sharp
AL3D laptop.
- Julien Flack from Dynamic Digital Depth demonstrated the TriDef Vision+ for
automatic conversion of 2D video to 3D, displayed on a 30" 3D LCD display
from Arisawa (Japan) and viewed using circularly polarized 3D glasses.
- Researchers from the University of Southern California demonstrated their
stereoscopic panorama software on a Sharp AL3D laptop and stereoscopic
interaction performance test software running on two 3D displays, one
autostereoscopic and the other a CRT using LCS 3D glasses.
- Peter Sun from Sun Advanced Engineering (Japan) and Shojiro Nagata from
InterVision Institute (Japan) demonstrated the software "HD-Renderer" for
stereoscopic video playback.
- Eric Kurland demonstrated his dual-camcorder stereoscopic camera system
and polarized 3D viewing system based on two LCD monitors viewed through
a half-mirror.
- John Rupkalvis demonstrated a miniature stereoscopic camera and polarized
3D viewer based on two LCD monitors viewed through a half-mirror.
- Steven Smith from IN3D demonstrated the 3D LANC Master developed by
Damir Vrancic (J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia) connected to a pair of Sony HDV
cameras. The 3D LANC Master can synchronize two Sony camcorders
(selected models only) via the LANC connector.
- Robert-Paul Berretty and Guido Volleberg from Philips (Netherlands)
demonstrated their 42" nine-view autostereoscopic LCD flat-panel display.
- Avi Yaron and Shachar Arieli from Visionsense demonstrated a single
miniature stereoscopic sensor suitable for use in endoscopes and other
applications. Sample 3D video from the camera was shown on a Planar
stereoscopic display and an eMagin stereoscopic HMD.
- IMAX corporation (Canada) provided some technical literature about the
IMAX 3D process and gave out movie posters for two new IMAX 3D movies:
"Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D" and "Deep Sea 3D."
- Xiao Hui Wang from University of Pittsburgh displayed their stereoscopic
display workstation for viewing radiographic images in real-time. Stereoscopic
images were viewed on an eMagin stereoscopic HMD.
- Nick Holliman from University of Durham (UK) showed the 3D movie "Cosmic
Cookery" on a Sharp RD3D autostereoscopic laptop.
- Charles McLaughlin of Fergason Patent Properties and Patrick Green from
Planar Systems demonstrated a Planar StereoMirrorTM (SM) stereoscopic
display. 3D content shown included stereoscopic medical imaging images.
- Ingo Relke from Newsight (Germany) demonstrated a Newsight multiview
autostereoscopic display.
- Tatsuo Saishu from Toshiba Corporation (Japan) demonstrated a prototype of
their 15.4" flatbed-type autostereoscopic display system.
- Boyd MacNaughton from MacNaughton, Inc. and Jean-Étienne Gaudreau
from PolarScreens (Canada) demonstrated a prototype of their Photonics 19"
full spatial resolution passively polarized stereoscopic display.
- Kevin Gilson from Parsons Brinkerhoff showed a 3D promotional video using a
DepthQ projector and a series of 3D phantograms.
- Helmut Jorke from Infitec (Germany) demonstrated an Infitec stereoscopic
projection system.
In addition, the 3D Consortium had a booth in the exhibit area which showcased
stereoscopic products from various 3D Consortium member companies.
Pictures of the demonstrations listed above will be available at the conference
website: www.stereoscopic.org
In parallel with the demonstration session, the 10 SD&A conference poster authors
presented their posters in the symposium-wide poster session.
Also on display on Tuesday and Wednesday was a Phantogram Exhibit organized
as an event of both the Electronic Imaging Symposium and the Stereoscopic
Displays and Applications conference. Last year's exhibit was such a popular
event we just had to do it again. This year's phantogram exhibit included works
from the following authors and artists: Terry Wilson, David Kesner, Shab Levy, Barry
Rothstein, Gary Greenspoon, Gilbert Detillieux, Sam Paechter, Shahrokh Dabiri,
Dennis Wiens, Dan Jacob, Robert Chow, and Kevin Gilson. The phantogram
exhibit was coordinated by Terry Wilson.
The third day of the SD&A conference hosted three technical sessions on the
following topics: Integral 3D Imaging, Stereoscopic Software, and Stereoscopic
Developments. The papers from these technical sessions are contained in this
Proceedings volume.
Two special events held on the third day of the conference were the discussion
forum and the keynote presentation.
This year's discussion forum had the title "Stereoscopic Digital Cinema - The Way
of the Future or a 9-Day Wonder?" The forum was chaired by Charles Swartz,
Executive Director/CEO of the Entertainment Technology Center at the University
of Southern California (USC). The panelists for the forum were Lenny Lipton, CTO,
REAL D; Ray Zone, The 3-D Zone; John Rupkalvis, Stereoscopic Consultant,
StereoScope International; and Neil Feldman, Senior Vice President, In-Three, Inc.
The discussion forum format always has a very interesting dynamic and provides a
good way of exploring aspects of stereoscopic imaging not normally addressed
in the technical presentations. It also always elicits a different type of interaction
with the audience. The discussion forum was recorded and will be made
available at some point.
The highlight of this year's Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference
was the Keynote Presentation titled "3D Animation in Three Dimensions (The Rocky
Road to the Obvious)," presented by Hugh Murray, Vice President of Technical
Production at IMAX Corporation.
The fact that animation created using CG modeling and animation tools is
inherently three-dimensional is well known. In the middle-to-late nineties IMAX
Corporation began actively exploring CG animated features as a possible source
of economically viable content for its rapidly growing network of stereoscopic
IMAX® 3D theatres. The journey from there to the spectacular success of the IMAX
3D version of The Polar Express is an interesting mix of technical, creative, and
production challenges. The talk covered several of the technical issues
encountered in such a production and explained why the unique viewing
experience enabled by the wide-angle geometry of IMAX 3D theatres makes it
worth all the pain.
Hugh's presentation provided a very interesting insight into the landmark film
which is credited in part with triggering the current revival of 3D cinema and the
remastering of several 2D animated movies for 3D release (including the recent
Chicken Little 3D). Hugh's presentation included stereoscopic projection of some
of the 3D titles on which he has worked. Titles shown included Sign of the
Seahorse, Santa vs. the Snowman, The Polar Express, and a special preview of
IMAX's 2D-to-3D conversion process on a sequence from Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban. We thank Hugh for his insightful presentation and look
forward to seeing more 3D movies from IMAX in the near future.
Please note that the two terms "conversion" and "remastering" have been used
very carefully in the previous paragraph. By our definition, "2D-to-3D remastering"
refers to the process of taking computer animation files which have been
originally created with the intention of only producing a 2D movie, and then
taking those files and re-rendering them to produce the second eye view to
create a stereo-pair and hence a 3D movie. This obviously can only be done with
computer animation based on 3D models. The Polar Express is an example of this
process. In contrast, "2D-to-3D conversion" involves taking any existing 2D movie
(images only) and regenerating synthetic depth in the image by a combination
of manual and semi-automatic processes. The quality of 3D content created
using "2D-to-3D conversion" varies greatly and depends upon a range of factors
including the amount of work that is performed converting each frame, the type
of 2D content that is being converted, and the technology that is employed in
the conversion process. The segment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
shown during the keynote presentation is an example of "2D-to-3D conversion." It
is worth highlighting the fact that the term "conversion" is sometimes used to refer
to the "remastering" process described above, however, the technology of
"conversion" and "remastering" are obviously very different.
Many individuals and companies contributed in various ways to make this year's
SD&A conference a very successful meeting:
- This year the SD&A conference was formally sponsored by MacNaughton Inc.
(Beaverton, Oregon), In-Three, Inc. (Westlake Village, California), and IMAX
Corporation (Mississaga, Canada). Conference sponsorship is a very valuable
way for companies to support the running of the conference and gain
valuable marketing exposure. All of these companies are at the forefront of
3D developments and we thank them for their support. We are also pleased
to report that despite two of our conference sponsors being in litigation at the
time of the conference, not a single drop of blood was spilled on the
conference floor.
- We appreciate the support this year of the JVC North American R&D Center,
who provided their high-quality high-definition 1080P stereoscopic projection
system based on a pair of JVC DLA-HD2K-SYS projectors (which natively
output left-handed and right-handed circular polarization from each
projector) for the duration of the conference.
- The conference committee plays an important role throughout the year,
ensuring the correct technical direction of the meeting. Sincere thanks go to
Gregg Favalora, Nick Holliman, Janusz Konrad, Shojiro Nagata, Vivian
Walworth, and Michael Weissman.
- The ability to present high-quality large-screen stereoscopic images and
video at the conference is an extremely important part of the conference.
Many people and companies contributed hardware, software, and expertise
to make this a truly impressive show. Particular thanks go to Brad Nelson of
Nelsonex (Shoreham, New York), Chris Ward, Michal Husak, and Dan
Lawrence of LightSpeed Design Group (Bellevue, Washington), Spectrum
Audiovisual (Denver, Colorado), Rod Sterling and Rob Buddle from JVC
(Cypress, California), Julien Flack from Dynamic Digital Depth (Australia and
USA). Conference video equipment included two JVC DLA-HD2K-SYS
projectors (1920×1080P) with digital video processors, 8×4.5-foot stereoscopic
rear-projection screen (provided by JVC); DVD player, 3D demultiplexer, two
QD line doublers, 8×6-foot stereoscopic rear projection screen (provided by
Nelsonex); two DepthQ Stereoscopic Media Server computers and software
(LightSpeed Design Group); two Eiki LC-X70 LCD projectors mounted as a
stereopair, SVHS Player and general AV equipment (Spectrum Audio Visual);
and 3D demultiplexer (DDD). This year the audience was provided with
circularly polarized 3D glasses to view both stereoscopic projection screens.
- Thanks to the demonstration session presenters for bringing equipment to
show to the conference attendees. Some equipment traveled from overseas,
making the contribution to the meeting particularly praiseworthy.
- Thanks to engineer Stephan Keith, who again performed the role of AV
monitor this year.
- Thanks to Perry Hoberman, School of Cinema-Television, University of Southern
California for hosting the lunchtime discussion round tables. This provided an
informal opportunity for attendees to discuss various stereoscopic topics over
- Thanks also to the staff at IS&T and SPIE, who were instrumental in helping
organize the meeting.
- Most importantly, we must thank the conference authors and attendees, who
ultimately made this meeting such a successful event.
This year two prizes were on offer to presenters at the SD&A conference. The prize
for "the best use of the available stereoscopic presentation tools during the
conference technical sessions" was won by Kevin Gilson from Parsons Brinckerhoff
for his presentation "Stereoscopic display of 3D models for design visualization."
Kevin's presentation made use of almost every stereoscopic presentation tool
available to him: stereoscopic video, stereoscopic stills, polarized and anaglyph,
and even phantograms. The prize for "the best SD&A presentation" was awarded
to Avi Yaron from Visionsense Inc., for his presentation "Blur spot limitations in distal
endoscope sensors." Avi's presentation discussed new methods for stereoscopic
image acquisition in a clear and well-illustrated manner. Each prize was a copy of
the new book "Earthquake Days - the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire in
3-D" by David Burkhart (ISBN: 0977330567). The book features over 100
stereoscopic photographs taken all in San Francisco around the time of the
earthquake and fire. Both prizes were kindly donated by David Burkhart, Faultline
Books <www.1906quake.com>.
At last year's conference we agreed to encourage more papers on the topic of
applications of stereoscopic displays, and it was great to see two full sessions this
year dedicated to this important aspect of 3D displays. These sessions were very
well attended, were very insightful, and amply illustrated with lots of stereoscopic
content. We will again be actively encouraging papers on the topic of
applications of stereoscopic displays for the 2007 conference.
Conference activities don't stop at the end of the January meeting; the SD&A
conference website provides a focus for conference activities during the year
between conferences. We will be seeking abstracts for the 2007 conference in
April through June. You can join the conference mailing list to receive
conference announcements - just visit the conference website for details. The
SD&A conference website also provides a focal point for many activities and
provides a timetable for important meeting deadlines. It also has an extensive
collection of photographs highlighting the activities of past conferences. The
website also hosts the stereoscopic virtual library, from which three full e-books in
pdf format are available for free download. Visit the conference website to gain
an understanding of the past, present, and future of stereoscopic imaging, and,
most of all, think now about presenting a paper or attending next year's
conference. The Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference website is
located at: www.stereoscopic.org
The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality
The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference this year contained four
sessions, each with a group of papers centered on a topic area.
The first session explored procedures for creating and presenting VR applications.
The first paper, from Rostock University in Germany explored a method for
automatically creating level of detail models from high resolution texture
mapped sources. The hierarchy of different LOD models preserve the ability to
easily apply surface textures. The next paper presented an approach for dealing
with projection onto a spherical display/environment called the Cybersphere at
the University of Warwick, UK. By modeling the way in which the light from a
projector falls on the outside of a sphere, the authors propose to warp the image
from a PC onto the exterior of the sphere. This mapping is implemented on a PC
in DirectX and enables general PC applications to appear "square" when
projected on the sphere. The final paper of the session, from Optical Design Labs
in Arizona, introduced the idea of presenting high dynamic range images into a
Cave type Environment and the challenges of dealing with all the IO and control
mechanisms one might wish to use in a Cave environment.
The second session of the day presented three interesting papers in the area of
applications of VR technology. It turned out that all three were from the UK.
Researchers at Cardiff University presented a web-based interface for
maintenance and technical support applications. The examples shown from the
water and ventilation hygiene industry were most compelling. It was great to see
a clean clear interface which used HTML pages with embedded VRML Cosmo
player windows. This interface was combined with a database containing the
assemblies and individual part drawings which seemed to work smoothly. The
next presentation, which was from the University of Warwick, stepped through
some of the barriers and successes in pushing for the adoption and use of virtual
environments in the construction industry in the UK where MicroSation CAD is
used. The presentation included a more detailed description of the CyberSphere,
and everyone in the audience was intrigued with the idea of walking around on
the inside of a tracked sphere resting on omniIngodirectional air bearings. The
final paper in the session, from Queen's University, Belfast, introduced the
audience to an approach for making an economical laparoscopic simulator. The
simulator project included the development of low-cost tracking methods using
mechanical linkages to encode the tool motions into rotations which could then
be measured with potentiometers. The tool motion was then used in a graphical
simulation of the surgical field.
The third session expanded the conference's emerging focus on understanding
the inherent nature of virtual reality through artistic exploration. Margaret Dolinsky
started the session, The Medium, with her paper Inverse Perspective, in which she
discussed the potentiality of a methodology for creating perceptual shifts in
virtual environments. Virtual reality and the unfolding of higher dimensions was
then presented by Julieta C. Aguilera. She employs a four-dimensional grid to
augment reality in terms of structure and the relationship among its parts. Daria
Tsoupikova explored how the aesthetics of the virtual world affects, transforms,
and enhances the immersive emotional experience of the user in her paper
Framing the Magic. The final paper of the session, Virtual Reality, Immersion, and
the Unforgettable Experience, described examples from prior virtual reality pieces
and put forward several avenues of thought concerning how we might
reinvigorate these types of VR explorations to create unforgettable experiences.
The last paper session presented various aspects of viewpoints in virtual worlds.
The first paper of the session, from the University of Tsukuba, Japan, presented
experiments with a remote robot driving around. In their simulations, they
experimented with presenting the view from the robot in various perspective
ways to see how people perceived the remote space. The next paper, from the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, presented an approach for visualizing
the placement and setup of cameras. By using computer graphics techniques
such as alpha blending and projected textures, the authors showed how one
could visualize camera arrays by treating each camera as a projector in a virtual
environment of the real world. The final paper in the session, from the University of
Southern California, University of Buffalo, and the Art Institute of Chicago,
presented work on the incorporation of audio into public presentations of virtual
experiences. The delivery of spatially encoded audio to a group in a noisy trade
show environment is challenging. The incorporation of audio with a visual
environment creates a far richer and more engaging experience for the
Following the papers, there was an extended period for a live stereoscopic
demonstration session including Rutopia 2, a magic garden which combines
Russian folk icons, images, colors, textures, and sounds; Margaret Dolinski's
Cabinet of Dreams, a VR display that highlights Chinese art at the Indianapolis
Museum of Art; and Julieta C. Aquilera's projection of tesseracts into the third
Thanks to all the authors who submitted papers and to the audience members
who came to hear their presentations. We would also like to thank Brad Nelson for
leaving the stereo display set up until the end of the day so that the audience
could see the virtual demos presented at the end of the session.
Next year the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference and The
Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference will be held in the period
28 January - 1 February 2007, at the San Jose Convention Center, San Jose,
California, as part of the 2007 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging: Science & Technology
symposium. Note that Photonics West will be held the week before, also at the
San Jose Convention Center. The 2007 conferences promise to continue a
tradition of presenting and demonstrating the latest technologies relevant to
stereoscopic displays and virtual reality. Please consider attending, presenting, or
demonstrating at the 2007 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference
and The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference. We hope to see you
Andrew J. Woods
Mark T. Bolas
Neil A. Dodgosn
Ian E. McDowall
John O. Merritt