2006 Proceedings 2006 Photos Other Years |
Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII |
xi | Conference Committees |
xiii | Introduction |
Part A | Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVII |
605501 | The use of stereoscopic visualization in chemistry and structural biology [6055A-01] M. Hušák, Lightspeed Digital Group (USA) and ICT Prague (Czech Republic) |
605502 | Using stereoscopic real-time graphics to shorten training time for complex mechanical
tasks [6055A-02] F. Tecchia, M. Carrozzino, F. Rossi, M. Bergamasco, PERCRO, Scuola Superiore S.Anna (Italy); M. Vescovi, F. Pisu, SIDEL Simonazzi (Italy) |
605503 | Stereoscopic display of 3D models for design visualization [6055A-03]
K. J. Gilson, Parsons Brinckerhoff (USA) |
605504 | Stereoscopic image production: live, CGI, and integration
E. Criado, Enxebre Entertainment (Spain) |
605505 | Cosmic cookery: making a stereoscopic 3D animated movie [6055A-05]
N. Holliman, C. Baugh, C. Frenk, A. Jenkins, B. Froner, D. Hassaine, J. Helly, N. Metcalfe, T. Okamoto, Univ. of Durham (United Kingdom)
Session 2 | HUMAN FACTORS |
605506 | Evaluation of stereoscopic medical video content on an autostereoscopic display for undergraduate medical education [6055A-06] J. Ilgner, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany); T. Kawai, T. Shibata, T. Yamazoe, Waseda Univ. (Japan); M. Westhofen, RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany) |
605507 | Stereoscopic visualization and editing of automatic abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) measurements for stent graft planning [6055A-07] L. Zhou, Y. Wang, L.-C. Goh, R. A. Kockro, L. Serra, Volume Interactions Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) |
605508 | A hybrid virtual environment for training of radiotherapy treatment of cancer [6055A-08] R. Phillips, J. W. Ward, Univ. of Hull (United Kingdom); P. Bridge, R. M. Appleyard, Sheffield Hallam Univ. (United Kingdom); A. W. Beavis, Univ. of Hull (United Kingdom) and Princess Royal Hospital, Hull, and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (United Kingdom) |
605509 | Blur spot limitations in distal endoscope sensors [6055A-09] A. Yaron, Visionsense Inc. (USA); M. Shechterman, N. Horesh, Visionsense Ltd. (Israel) |
60550A | Visual comfort with mobile stereoscopic gaming [6055A-10] J. Häkkinen, Univ. of Helsinki (Finland) and Nokia Research Ctr. (Finland); M. Liinasuo, Nokia Research Ctr. (Finland); J. Takatalo, G. Nyman, Univ. of Helsinki (Finland) |
60550B | Effect of disparity and motion on visual comfort of stereoscopic images [6055A-11] F. Speranza, W. J. Tam, R. Renaud, Communications Research Ctr. Canada (Canada); N. Hur, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (South Korea) |
60550C | Analysis of an autostereoscopic display: the perceptual range of the three-dimensional
visual fields and saliency of static depth cues [6055A-12] P. Havig, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); J. McIntire, Consortium Research Fellows Program (USA); R. McGruder, U.S. Air Force Academy (USA) |
60550D | Effects of gender, application, experience, and constraints on interaction performance
using autostereoscopic displays [6055A-13] Z. Y. Alpaslan, A. A. Sawchuk, A. A. Rizzo III, S. Yeh, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA) |
60550E | Examination of asthenopia recovery using stereoscopic 3D display with dynamic optical
correction [6055A-14] T. Shibata, T. Kawai, K. Ohta, J. Lee, Waseda Univ. (Japan); M. Otsuki, N. Miyake, Nikon Corp. (Japan); Y. Yoshihara, Arisawa Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Japan); T. Iwasaki, Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health (Japan)
60550F | High-resolution insets in projector-based stereoscopic displays: principles and techniques [6055A-15] G. Godin, P. Massicotte, L. Borgeat, National Research Council of Canada (Canada) |
60550G | Stereo projection using interference filters [6055A-16] H. Jorke, M. Fritz, INFITEC GmbH (Germany) |
60550H | Development of the real-time stereoscopic error corrector and convergence controller [6055A-55] S.-J. Nam, C.-S. Park, KBS (South Korea); Y.-S. Yu, K. Lee, TVLogic Co., Ltd. (South Korea) |
60550I | Permanent synchronization of camcorders via LANC protocol [6055A-80] D. Vrancic, J. Stefan Institute (Slovenia); S. L. Smith, IN3D Ltd. (USA)
60550K | Platelet-based coding of depth maps for the transmission of multiview images [6055A-19] Y. Morvan, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (Netherlands); P. H. N. de With, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (Netherlands) and LogicaCMG (Netherlands); D. Farin, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology (Netherlands) |
60550L | Efficient view synthesis from uncalibrated stereo [6055A-20] R. Braspenning, M. Op de Beeck, Philips Research Labs. (Netherlands) |
60550M | A fast image multiplexing method robust to viewer's position and lens misalignment in
lenticular 3D displays [6055A-21] Y. Lee, J. B. Ra, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)
60550N | Real-time rendering for multiview autostereoscopic displays [6055A-22] R.-P. M. Berretty, F. J. Peters, Philips Research (Netherlands); G. T. G. Volleberg, Philips Applied Technologies (Netherlands) |
60550O | Anisotropic scene geometry resampling with occlusion filling for 3DTV applications [6055A-23] J. Kim, T. Sikora, Technical Univ. of Berlin (Germany) |
60550P | Distributed rendering for multiview parallax displays [6055A-24] T. Annen, MPI (Germany); W. Matusik, H. Pfister, MERL (USA); H.-P. Seidel, MPI (Germany); M. Zwicker, MIT (USA)
60550Q | On the number of viewing zones required for head-tracked autostereoscopic display [6055A-25] N. A. Dodgson, Univ. of Cambridge (United Kingdom) |
60550R | Multiview LCD wall system [6055A-26] I. Relke, NewSight GmbH (Germany) |
60550S | Flatbed-type autostereoscopic display system and its image format for encoding [6055A-27] T. Saishu, S. Numazaki, K. Taira, R. Fukushima, A. Morishita, Y. Hirayama, Toshiba Corp. (Japan) |
60550T | Autostereoscopic 3D display [6055A-28] A. Schwerdtner, SeeReal Technologies GmbH (Germany) |
60550U | The HoloVizio system [6055A-29] T. Balogh, Holografika Kft. (Hungary)
60550V | Development of autostereoscopic display system for remote manipulation
[6055A-30] T. Honda, Y. Kuboshima, K. Iwane, T. Shiina, Chiba Univ. (Japan) |
60550W | Ray-space acquisition and reconstruction within cylindrical objective space [6055A-31] T. Yendo, T. Fujii, M. Tanimoto, Nagoya Univ. (Japan) |
60550X | 72-directional display having VGA resolution for high-appearance image generation [6055A-32] Y. Takaki, T. Dairiki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) |
60550Y | Combining volumetric edge display and multiview display for expression of natural 3D images [6055A-33] R. Yasui, I. Matsuda, H. Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) |
60550Z | Adaptive parallax control for multi-view stereo panoramas [6055A-34] C. Wang, A. A. Sawchuk, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA)
605510 | Integral videography of high-density light field with spherical layout camera array [6055A-35] T. Koike, M. Oikawa, N. Kimura, F. Beniyama, T. Moriya, M. Yamasaki, Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan) |
605511 | Imaging properties of microlens arrays for integral imaging system
[6055A-36] J. Arai, M. Okui, Y. Nojiri, F. Okano, NHK Science and Technical Research Labs. (Japan) |
605512 | Comparative study on 3D-2D convertible integral imaging systems
[6055A-37] H. Choi, J. Kim, Y. Kim, B. Lee, Seoul National Univ. (South Korea)
605513 | A uniform metric for anaglyph calculation [6055A-51] Z. Zhang, D. F. McAllister, North Carolina State Univ. (USA) |
605514 | Application of 3DHiVision: a system with a new 3D HD renderer [6055A-39] P. Sun, Sun Advanced Engineering, Inc. (Japan); S. Nagata, InterVision Institute (Japan)
605515 | 3D animation in three dimensions: the rocky road to the obvious [6055A-40] H. Murray, IMAX Corp. (Canada)
605516 | A method for the real-time construction of a full parallax light field [6055A-41] K. Tanaka, S. Aoki, Sony Corp. (Japan) |
605517 | Simulation of 3D image depth perception in a 3D display using two stereoscopic displays
at different depths
[6055A-43] K. Uehira, Kanagawa Institute of Technology (Japan) |
605518 | Innovative stereoscopic display using variable polarized angle [6055A-44] J. E. Gaudreau, M. Bechamp, PolarScreens, Inc. (Canada); B. MacNaughton, V. S. Power, MacNaughton, Inc./NuVision (USA) |
605519 | A novel walk-through 3D display [6055A-45] S. DiVerdi, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (USA); I. Rakkolainen, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (USA) and FogScreen Inc. (Finland); T. Höllerer, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (USA); A. Olwal, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (USA) and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden)
60551A | Real-time stereographic display of volumetric datasets in radiology [6055A-46] X. H. Wang, G. S. Maitz, J. K. Leader, W. F. Good, Univ. of Pittsburgh (USA) |
60551B | Ergonomic evaluation system for stereoscopic video production
[6055A-47] T. Kawai, S. Kishi, T. Yamazoe, T. Shibata, Waseda Univ. (Japan); T. Inoue, Kanagawa Institute of Technology (Japan); Y. Sakaguchi, K. Okabe, Y. Kuno, LET'S Corp. (Japan); T. Kawamoto, Chukyo TV Broadcasting Corp. (Japan) |
60551C | Wide-viewing-angle three-dimensional display system using HOE lens array
[6055A-48] H. Takahashi, H. Fujinami, Osaka City Univ. (Japan); K. Yamada, Hiroshima Institute of Technology (Japan) |
60551D | Depth maps created from blur information using images with focus at near and at far [6055A-49] S. Cho, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (South Korea); W. J. Tam, F. Speranza, R. Renaud, Communications Research Ctr. Canada (Canada); N. Hur, S. I. Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (South Korea) |
60551E | Depth map-based disparity estimation technique using multiview and depth camera [6055A-50] G.-M. Um, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (South Korea); S.-M. Kim, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea); N. Hur, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (South Korea); K. H. Lee, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea); S. I. Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (South Korea) |
60551F | Multiview autostereoscopic display with double-sided reflecting scanning micromirrors
[6055A-53] A. Nakai, K. Hoshino, K. Matsumoto, I. Shimoyama, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan) |
60551G | A depth-enhanced floating display system based on integral imaging
[6055A-54] J. Kim, S.-W. Min, Y. Kim, S.-W. Cho, H. Choi, B. Lee, Seoul National Univ. (South Korea) |
60551H | Three-dimensional sprites for lenticular-type three-dimensional display
[6055A-56] T. Dairiki, Y. Takaki, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology (Japan) |
60551I | Optical design considerations for a beam combiner in a StereoMirror 3D display system
[6055A-57] A. Hochbaum, Vav Consulting (USA); J. L. Fergason, Fergason Patent Properties LLC (USA) |
60551L | Performance analysis of a compact electro-optical 3D adapter with a wide capturing
[6055A-61] S.-C. Kim, D.-H. Lee, J.-G. Lee, E.-S. Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (South Korea) |
60551M | New method of zoom-convergence interlocked control in the moving parallel-axes style
stereoscopic camera
[6055A-62] J. Lee, S. Nam, J. Lee, C. Park, S. Chung, KBS (South Korea)
Part B | The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2006 |
Session 13 | PROCEDURES |
60551N | Texturing of continuous LoD meshes with the hierarchical texture atlas
[6055B-63] H. Birkholz, Univ. of Rostock (Germany) |
60551P | Multiprojector image distortion correction scheme for curved screens on the example of
the cybersphere [6055B-65] B. V. Shulgin, J. Ye, V. H. Raja, The Univ. of Warwick (United Kingdom) |
60551Q | 3D workflow for HDR image capture of projection systems and objects for CAVE virtual
environments authoring with wireless touch-sensitive devices [6055B-66] M. J. Prusten, Optical Design Labs. (USA); M. McIntyre, Total Eclipse Studios (USA); M. Landis, Univ. of Arizona (USA)
Session 14 | APPLICATIONS |
60551R | Virtual technical support for field engineers in the water and ventilation hygiene industry [6055B-68] I. A. Nicholas, Cardiff Univ. (United Kingdom); D. C. Kim, Aquamarc Ltd. (United Kingdom) |
60551S | Virtual reality in construction industry: a requirement compatibility analysis approach [6055B-69] J. Ye, B. V. Shulgin, V. H. Raja, The Univ. of Warwick (United Kingdom) |
60551T | Adding tactile realism to a virtual reality laparoscopic surgical simulator with a costeffective
human interface device [6055B-70] I. W. Mack, The Queen's Univ. of Belfast (United Kingdom); S. Potts, The Royal Group of Hospitals (United Kingdom); K. R. McMenemy, R. S. Ferguson, The Queen's Univ. of Belfast (United Kingdom)
Session 15 | THE MEDIUM |
60551U | Inverse perspective
[6055B-71] M. Dolinsky, Indiana Univ. (USA) |
60551V | Virtual reality and the unfolding of higher dimensions [6055B-72] J. C. Aguilera, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (USA) |
60551W | Framing the magic
[6055B-73] D. Tsoupikova, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (USA) |
60551X | Virtual reality, immersion, and the unforgettable experience [6055B-74] J. F. Morie, Univ. of Southern California (USA)
Session 16 | VIEWPOINTS |
60551Y | Teleoperation interface for mobile robot with perspective-transformed virtual 3D screen on
PC display [6055B-75] T. Kimura, H. Kakeya, Univ. of Tsukuba (Japan) |
605520 | An interactive camera placement and visibility simulator for image-based VR applications [6055B-77] A. State, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA) and InnerOptic Technology Inc. (USA); G. Welch, A. Ilie, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA) |
605522 | Synthecology: sound use of audio in teleimmersion [6055B-79] G. Baum, State Univ. of New York Buffalo (USA); M. Gotsis, Univ. of Southern California (USA); B. Chang, R. Drinkwater, D. St. Clair, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
Author Index