2008 Proceedings

2008 Photos


Photo Album of the
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX (2008) Conference
The SD&A Conference Dinner
This year we again visited BoTown Chinese Restaurant in downtown San Jose for the annual SD&A conference dinner.
Below are the nine tables of SD&A conference attendees at the dinner.

[1] (clockwise from front left) Minoru Nimura (Miradia), Jon Stolzberg (Encore Productions/ Holonyne), ???, Age van Delfe (Philips), Jeroen Tepbosch? (Philips), Ulrich Leiner (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft HHI), Stijn De Waele (Philips), Kazuhisa Yanaka (Kanagawa Institute of Technology), Matt Bellis (Miradia).

[2] (clockwise from front left) Bill Bryan (3M), Lianne Deren (Dzignlight Studios), Eric Deren (Dzignlight Studios), Naria Somoza (Enxembre), Enrique Criado (Enxembre), Robert Neuman (Walt Disney Feature Animation), ???, Glenn Casner (3M), ???.

[3] (clockwise from front left) Sang Hyun Kim (Waseda University), Raffaello Galli (ANDXOR Corporation), Frank Henrich (ANDXOR Corporation), Suk Joon Lee(DCRC), Min Woo Shin(DCRC), Chan Jong Park (DCRC), Chul Min Kim(DCRC), Justus Ilgner (University Hospital Aachen), Takashi Kawai (Waseda University), Takashi Shibata (Waseda University).

[4] (clockwise from front left) Nick Holliman (Durham University), Mike Robinson (Real D), ???, Lenny Lipton (Real D), Rob Engle (Sony Pictures Imageworks), Jason Goodman (21st Century 3D), Kurt Hoffmeister (Mechdyne), ???, Keith Elliot (Texas Instruments).

[5] (clockwise from front left) Neil Dodgson (University of Cambridge), Lachlan Pockett (Nokia), David Mark (Kerner), ???, ???, Gregg Favalora (Actuality Medical), John Rupkalvis (Stereoscope International), Luis Perez-Bayas (University of Geneva), Stephan R. Keith (SRK Graphics Research), Paul Gorley (University of Durham).

[6] (clockwise from front left) Sami Laitinen (Stereoscape), Kasimir Lehto (Stereoscape), Michael Kleiber (Research Establishment for Applied Science, Germany), Neil Schneider (MTBS3D), Robert-Paul Berretty (Philips Electronics, Netherlands), Bart Barenbrug (Philips 3D Solutions, Netherlands), Jukka Häkkinen (Nokia).

[7] (clockwise from front left) Michael Braus (Proto Mfg), Andrew Woods (Curtin University of Technology), Mike Weissman (TrueVision Systems), Susan R. Barry (Mt Holyoke College), Burton Tripati (TrueVision Systems), Rod Sterling (JVC), Andrew van Pernis (In-Three), ???, ???, Hideki Kakeya (University of Tsukuba), ???.

[8] (clockwise from front left) Vivian Walworth (Jasper Associates), Terry Wilson (Terryfic), ???, ???, Ianir Ideses (Tel-Aviv University), Michael Klug (Zebra Imaging), ???, Toshio Honda (Chiba University, Japan), ???.

[9] (clockwise from front left) Dr Dave Seftel, Don Searll (Haptics), Stephen Wyle (Laserium).
All photographs © 2008 Andrew Woods. |