2005 Proceedings

2005 Photos


Photo Album of the
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVI (2005) Conference
The SD&A Conference Dinner
This year's conference dinner was held at BoTown Chinese Restaurant in downtown San Jose - close to the Convention Center.

Image 1 - Pictured (clockwise from front left): ???, Peter Wimmer (Johannes Kepler University, Austria), Ezekiel Tan (Royal Newcastle Hospital, Australia), ???, ???, Arzu Çöltekin (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland), Samuel Zhou (IMAX, Canada), Margaret Dolinsky (Indiana University), Stephan Keith (SRK Graphics Research), Justus Ilgner (Aachen University Hospital, Germany), Yasuhiro Takaki (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan).

Image 2 - Pictured (clockwise from front left): Gregg Favalora (Actuality Systems), Mike Weissman (Micro Vision Systems), Tom Riederer (Tree-D Films), Dan Sandin (University of Illinois/Chicago), David Mark (Mark Resources LLC), Stephen Daniell (Zograph), Robert-Paul Berretty (Philips Research, Netherlands), Frans Peters (Philips Research, Netherlands), Nic Beammes (Dynamic Digital Depth, Australia), Oliver Cossairt (Actuality Systems).

Image 3 - Pictured (clockwise from left): Robert Chow (Kanix), Edmund Jung (Columbia College of Hollywood International), Abe Perlstein (Abe Perlstein Stereo Photography), John Rupkalvis (StereoScope International), Jason Goodman (21st Century 3D), Justin McGilvery (E3D), Daniel Dupont (zDVD Inc.).

Image 4 - Pictured (clockwise from front left): L. Zhang (Communications Research Centre, Canada), James Tam (Communications Research Centre, Canada), Elaine Jin (Kodak), ???, ???, Takashi Kawai (Waseda University, Japan), ???, Filipo Speranza (Communications Research Centre, Canada).

Image 5 - Pictured (clockwise from front left): Balamuralii Balasubramaniyam (Loughborough University, UK), Josh Cobb (Kodak), Ingo Relke (X3D Technologies, Germany), Torsten Palfner (University of Rostock, Germany), Erika Müller (University of Rostock, Germany), Neil Dodgson (University of Cambridge, UK), Alexander ???, Chris Slinger (QinetiQ, UK).

Image 6 - Pictured (clockwise from front left): Mrs Aubrey & Steve Aubrey [just off left of camera] (Aubrey Imaging), John Merritt (The Merritt Group), Dan Benson (Siemens), Ian Matthew (Sharp), Steve Berezin (Berezin Stereo Photography Products), Peter Harris (Analogic), ???, Christian Moller (University of Cambridge, UK), Andrew Woods (Curtin University of Technology, Australia).

Image 7 - Pictured (clockwise from front left): Chris Ward (Lightspeed Design Group), Jason Goodman (21st Century 3D), Tom Riederer (TreeD Films), Michal Husak (Lightspeed Design / Institute of Chemical Technology Prague), Mike Weissman (Micro Vision Systems), Josh Cobb (Kodak).
Sorry to those people whose names I can't remember. If you know a name for a face which isn't listed, please drop me a line.
All photographs © 2005 Andrew Woods or Balamuralii Balasubramaniyam as noted on the photographs.